Ar on Tomiko, Smith Carry and Kelson

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Reaction score
United Kingdom, Southampton
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tom Henderson / Elf MoonTheGoon
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Tomiko Ashimura / Tomiko
Smith Carry / How do i quickscope?
His/Her SteamID:
Tomiko = STEAM_0:1:52465797
Smith = STEAM_0:0:13584348
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Because they started a shootout over a simple traffic stop because they were supposedly 'warranted' however when i checked the system they had in fact had no warrant on them and gives no advantage from gunning down cops. Tomiko also stored is weapon when i was about to confiscate it. The other 2 decided to participate in this and try and kill me too, and gave the same reason, so they got themselves involved in a situation they didnt have to be involved with. thus they are breaking 3.4 and 3.18
Evidence (Demo Required):
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We thought we are wanted, since we killed like 7-8 people earlier, and medic got the dna. You might ask Tomiko/Smith/Me for ID, it would mean, you could arrest us for that.
We thought we are wanted, since we killed like 7-8 people earlier, and medic got the dna. You might ask Tomiko/Smith/Me for ID, it would mean, you could arrest us for that.

You weren't warranted, it was a simple traffic stop perhaps if i got your ID and checked and said step out the car and put you in the car. However i was outnumbered and could've been killed easily, what you did was plain stupid.

Just an excuse to kill more cops. Acting very mingy whilst doing it too.
Person forgot to add some of his perfect threatining skills at the end:
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: Lol thats gonna be a tasty AR
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: for all 3 of u
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: even on christmas day :)
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: uh? I wasnt pulling you over kelson tho
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: So unfortunately that's a ban for all 3 of u
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: how do i quickscope, you tried to run me over thats why i shot you
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: it was a simple traffic stop and ur all decided to be idiots.
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: All 3 of u turned the situation into something it didnt have to be
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: thus breaking rules
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: I aint bothered im happy all 3 of u are going to get banned
[OOC] Elf MoonTheGoon: Well i mean it's almost a definite when i get the footage

Anyway, my person view to the situation, we were on road to raid someone but I didn't realise 5 minutes or 10 minutes before this situation happened, me and my friends killed multiple officers, were spotted by paramedics and also killed a few civilians therefore we had in mind we could have been warranted. AS you may heard, there was communication between us talking if we're wanted or what, then I stepped out the vehicle and you immidetly pulled out handcuffs so I got an feeling I'm wanted.

Once you try to handcuff me I may actively resist which is not breaking the rules, and If I wasn't ran over, I would have killed you.
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Person forgot to add some of his perfect threatining skills at the end:

Anyway, my person view to the situation, we were on road to raid someone but I didn't realise 5 minutes or 10 minutes before this situation happened, me and my friends killed multiple officers, were spotted by paramedics and also killed a few civilians therefore we had in mind we could have been warranted. AS you may heard, there was communication between us talking if we're wanted or what, then I stepped out the vehicle and you immidetly pulled out handcuffs so I got an feeling I'm wanted.

Once you try to handcuff me I may actively resist which is not unlawful, and If I wasn't ran over, I would have killed you.

First of all i would of killed you. I found it quite funny the fail of your friend trying to run me over, I dont care if it was 10 minutes earlier i told you to pull over due to your reckless driving. You should think before just straight up shooting me. What do you benefit out of this anyway? Giving more DNA on cops bodies? I didnt instantly pull out the handcuffs, i pulled out the handcuffs when i saw you with a rifle on your back as it is illegal transportation.

If you were wanted i would've got my gun out and gun pointed you out of the car and dont you think i would've called for additional back up? When this happened there was no medics in service and you weren't warranted. Even if you 'may have been warranted' there was 3 of you. As soon as i cuffed you and got you in my car your friends could've rocked up and shot me, instead you start trying to machete an officer which wasnt exactly smart and your friends came to help you (Stupidly).

The reason i said them things OOC is because you were being utter minges throughout the whole situation and like i say turning a simple traffic stop into a difficult situation. You knew you didnt have to kill me, reason being why you instantly stored your gun when i pulled you over. I just wanted to play for 5 minutes and you lot just act very annoying and knew you were breaking rules.

You did this to several officers and we all stated in OOC "You werent even warranted". You need to make sure you are warranted before shooting up police officers because it can be easily avoided.

You started calling me Salty in ooc when i was saying what you did was breaking rules and you continued to be rather obnoxious to me. I would've taken a "Sorry we didnt realise, my bad" but you decided to be stubborn. You affected me negatively and didnt take into context the fact that you had literally shot me for no good reason. Like i say i was outnumbered and i feel you did it simply for the kills and to have some action as there wasn't many people on the server prior to this shootout.

No raids, No shootouts = Shooting officers for action.

Officers involved @Shokron13 , Conyo Demenka. Please make your statement on how they were acting please.

I lose nothing as you said but when you just be massive dickheads that's when i will start making an AR.


I went on the force today. @How do i quickscope? and @Tomiko did exactly the same thing again.

They were getting chased by @Mikey for 12.1 when they decided to evade, eventually when they stopped to fill up with petrol they had guns on there back so we gunpointed them and told them to get out of the car. Instead of giving up because this had all happened due to a minor ticket they decided it'll be a good idea to open fire and kill multiple police officers which could've been easily avoided AGAIN. Tomiko, was the passenger who also shot cops despite knowing his friends were breaking rules.

Video: 3.4 as they were risking imprisonment over small ticket, and pulling gun at gunpoint and shooting cops over minor crime.

Officers involved = @Mikey , Me and @Vincent Jenkins
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So, to fill you in Moon, we previously raided properties. I broke multiple laws when officer mentioned above tried to pull me over, at that time, me and tomiko were armed. WE RAIDED PROPERTIES. we evaded you in mazda RX8 ( which is fucking impossible ). I stopped to get some petrol but corporal decided to gunpoint us which was appropiate. I know you have to be salty over your death but holy shit, this is far behind the line. THERE WAS NO DIRECT GUNPOINT when I decided to shoot you all ( nice try ninja cuffing )
So, to fill you in Moon, we previously raided properties. I broke multiple laws when officer mentioned above tried to pull me over, at that time, me and tomiko were armed. WE RAIDED PROPERTIES. we evaded you in mazda RX8 ( which is fucking impossible ). I stopped to get some petrol but corporal decided to gunpoint us which was appropiate. I know you have to be salty over your death but holy shit, this is far behind the line. THERE WAS NO DIRECT GUNPOINT when I decided to shoot you all ( nice try ninja cuffing )

I dont care if you raided a property prior, just because you raided a property doesnt mean you can kill us. Like you say you were breaking multiple traffic laws, why wouldnt we pull you over. Doesnt mean we knew you raided, if you didnt recklessly drive we wouldnt have even known so you just were doing it to cause problems. When i raid a property i dont gun down every cop i see.

Poor excuse.

You try and say 'nice ninja cuff' I was trying to cuff you, and then you pulled the gun. Like i said on my last post im not salty and you continue to use that comeback, i lose nothing im just making this AR because you guys are so dumb, and break rules.
There was no warrant, no one was chasing you and no medics said anything about you guys, you were simply being pulled over for 12.1 and you decided to evade then shoot at officers and then even broke 3.4 when I had you at gunpoint, 'I ran behind cover' mate, I HAD YOU AT GUNPOINT. If you watch it from here
(2:27) , you can see I had you at DIRECT gunpoint and you decide to try and behind cover and yes you did kill all the officers but at the end of the day, you evaded over 12.1, shot at officers and more likely now have a warrant.

Tomiko will be given a punishment according to his playtime, bans, and warnings he currently has.

However, for the others, I cannot really see if they tried to run you or Tomiko over. I would prefer if you made a sperate action requestion with a full demo and tick so I can use the drive function and slow speed won to watch who they were aiming for.

Thank you for your Action request. If you have any disagreements about this decision please feel free to give me a pm or a poke on ts so we can talk over the reasoning.

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