Dispute or appeal?

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When people are banned usually they'll make a dispute, the dispute gets denied and then an appeal follows just days after. Personally i feel like that there should be a rule to either dispute or appeal the ban. Not both, because the appeal is usually crocodile tears and is never honest to begin with, its cringe worthy seeing it because the words have literately no meaning behind them and 99% of the time the appealing party still feels that the ban is invalid anyway.

If a rule like this is in place people will have to think before actually making the dispute, this would lower then amount of administrative work that comes with dealing disputes/appeals.
Most people who make appeals after disputes get denied anyway...

Giving people the freedom allows for the few players who realise their mistakes during the dispute to apologise.
Most people who make appeals after disputes get denied anyway...

Giving people the freedom allows for the few players who realise their mistakes during the dispute to apologise.
What about if a dispute is made, they'll have wait out half the ban time before an appeal can be made?
Disagree, If They Feel Its Invalid Its Either A) They dont know the rules B) They Feel They Know Them And The Staff Member Doesn't Or C) CBA To Keep it on there record.
There is nothing to do about it, you cant really know if the appeal was just crocodile tears or they being honest but the person who always do appeals and every time says the same thing " I won't do it again, I promise" should be denied
People change. It can take time to realise that you were in the wrong and contemplate your own actions.
On the day you are banned most people will get angry or deny their own actions making a dispute.
The next day, week or month they'll be much more calm and thinking correctly. Then they can realise what they've done.

Thinking you've done nothing wrong originally doesnt mean you won't realise what you've done was wrong in the future.
Or perhaps maybe they make a dispute, but come to understand in the ensuing discussion surrounding the ban that it was in fact valid, and decide to apologize for their actions, now they properly understand that what they did was wrong.

Nah, just crocodile tears.
This proposal is silly, Slayerduck.

Dealing with as many bans as I have over the years, it's always extremely apparent when someone is being sincere whilst apologising - Users feel a lot of emotions when getting banned, they will do some stupid stuff both before and after the fact. Disputes allow a generally quick and fair audit of the users ban when they feel they have been treated unfairly, we all reserve the right to do that.

Taking away the chance to actually own up, to point out the wrong that you did; what is the need for that? As said above, a large amount of realisation actually comes after or during the dispute process, and some things that the staff members who deal with the dispute point out actually help the user understand what they did wrong.

Trust me, the staff team understands it's users - Staff members reserve the right to deal with their bans, and it's ultimately their choice and judgement which stands at the end of the day.
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