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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: The Omega/Oliver Mohammad

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ICEKILLER_99/IDK

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87262869

Why Should This Player Be Punished: This user just decided to disrespect multiple people, and started off with me, because I were talking with a guy about a raid and weapons and how they were handled etc, and he just began to shit talk me and then others after that without any real reason..

Evidence (Demo Required): No Demo, an image of console should basicly be enough in this situation. If you really really want a Demo, please tell me.

- Posted for Icekiller -
First of all I never insulted u lmfao,i insulted my friends as a joke,no one got offended except you even tho I didnt say anything that should have offended you.Spaceshots and peemnaja both took it as a joke since we are friends for a long time so I don't see why you'd post an ar if no one got offended
- Posted for Icekiller -
First of all I never insulted u lmfao,i insulted my friends as a joke,no one got offended except you even tho I didnt say anything that should have offended you.Spaceshots and peemnaja both took it as a joke since we are friends for a long time so I don't see why you'd post an ar if no one got offended
[OOC] The Omega: It have nothing with the weapon to do either, but how you shoot, Lol.
You have earned $221.375 - $88 (income tax) as a pay check for being an officer of the law.
You have 7 global OOC messages left for another 2:16
[OOC] The Omega: Also the weapon ofc, but mostly how you shoot too.
[OOC] ICEKILLER_99: dont speak
[OOC] ICEKILLER_99: you put a fucking lol with a capital l
You have 6 global OOC messages left for another 2:01
[OOC] The Omega: Lol
You have 5 global OOC messages left for another 1:53
[OOC] The Omega: So?
[OOC] ICEKILLER_99: honestly just leave perp everyone hates you

Read my comment, it was me who did lol with Capital L, after that he just went full on, even after this I just pasted in, so I don't believe what he just said.
- Posted for icekiller -

I said ''no one likes you'' and then added ''now'' because i missed it,after that peemnaja said Lol and then i went off at him as a joke which he can confirm and then spaceshots also said Lol so i insulted him too as a JOKE you can ask them both if they took it as a joke.I never called u a faggot,I called spaceshots a faggot
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