leaving yet again

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Was fun being here, LCN made the server fun again for a while, but we lack a leading force in our new org, which is not really a serious org anyway. Tried creating competition then realised everyone at the top are mates so it would never work.

Olsen made the server fun for me ngl, weren't afraid to just start a load of shit like most people nowadays.

If some of my boys get unbanned (FREE @nade @Jamal @MachineGunO) I might come back, but for now I'm taking my leave.

big ups to @Dom_ and @Robin Ljungberg for letting me in LCN and letting me have fun with PERP again, and generally big ups to @Dom_ for helping me with a lot of shit, appreciate it a lot.

will miss my boys, you all know who you are, will still come on the meta TS every now and then to chat

also shoutouts to the people that made me @MrAaron @Moon The Goon @Jamal @nade @Dom_ @John Daymon @Shokron13 , would have never got to where I did without you guys.

will still linger on the forums.

cya boys for now.
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Tried creating competition then realised everyone at the top are mates so it would never work.
If im ever gonna get unbanned I am planning to make an org and start war against other orgs. Might never even get unbanned OMEGALUL

But it’s sad to see you leave, you are a nice lad. I hope you still stay on the forums like any other person who left :D

Sad to see a chill guy like you go, lots of old/skilled players leaving. gl on whatever you choose to do next
omg no right as i start to rimlick (10/10 would definetely rimlick again)

For reals though, chill and friendly guy
Gl with whatever you do that's not sweating infront of your computer screen while playing perp, cya dud
hopefully you will come back soon, hmu if u ever wanna talk mate <3
bye sorle, dunno why I liked you but I got along with you for some reason lol.

Anywho; hope you have fun in whatever you do in the future, haven't played lately as I've been doing personal stuff but oh well.

I think the main issue with organisations is that everyones to afraid of stepping on their friends toes, stop being friends with literally everyone and just shoot them in the head lol
It's a great shame to see you go, you are a really cool and fun guy to be around IG and I hope you return soon.
he bigs up all this bullshit but he's really only leaving because i bully him for still playing

i'll still bully u for ur retarded dad so i bet youll be back on ina week when zarp deathrun gets boring
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