E3 - What games are you interested in?

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Title explains it all, what games are you interested in seeing in that caught your attention? Just remember not to pre-order shit without seeing gameplay first, this is all trailers and 'promises' that we hear from for some of the games. Looking at you, EA.

Dying Light 2 is what caught my attention the most, having hundreds of options that change the game world around you as you progress seems to be pretty big on it's own where everyone will have a unique experience of their own. I was a fan of Dying Light (wish the DLC ending wouldn't be so shit but it was still fun) and I'm interested to see how this will turn out from our nice Polski developers.
Halo Infinite also seems pretty hype as it's finally making its way back to PC thanks to the Windows Store or what ever it is. The trailer is just a engine demo but it's still nice to see a Halo in the works for PC with amazing visuals that should hopefully run better than PUBGs mess.
Jump Force because we're weebs.

I wouldn't get my hopes up for some scripted voices/actors for game demos such as Tom Clancy's: The Division 2. Those always proved to be a flop but we'll see how it turns out.
Dying Light 2, Battlefield V, Last of us 2 (sad I don't have ps4) and more I cant remember
Dying Light 2, Just Cause 4, that game with the kiddo that is a superhero(forgot the name) and Fallout76
Fallout 76 - Im interested in the multiplayer aspect, will be pre-ordering as soon as I can (I want the BoS helmet :D)

Didn't hear Square Enix were making a Just cause 4? anyone got a vid?

Halo Infinite, I will play, I love all halo games despite how shit some are
New Halo should be cool if there's multiplayer on PC.

Other than that, Elder Scrolls 6. Know nothing about it but hyped anyway.
I want the new Elder Scrolls, (ES6) I don't know if it's in E3 but I am sure as well going to be hyped for it

and Metro Exodus
baby oil!!! that makes no sense

I'm disasapointed with E3 this year, (what a surprise, that's E3 for you) I just don't feel the big titles except for games like Elder Scrolls and Fallout, but that's from the same company; Bethesda Game Studios.
I have to say Dying Light 2 looks fucking amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Last of us 2 also can't wait for it. Might just need to splash some cash to get my self a PS4 to play it.
Fallout 76, Looks good.
Would love to play the Last of Us 2 but I don't have a PS4 and I ain't buying one for it.

The Division 2 looks ok but I can imagine it will go the same way as the first.

Just Cause 4 doesn't spark any interest in me. Just looks the same as the first but with better graphics and natural disasters.

Battlefield V is meh, I played Battlefield 1 and I wasn't that good at it so id rather go over a friends house and try it there.

Forza Horizon 4 I will most likely play cus I like cars.

Fallout 76 is something I am really looking forward too. I can't describe how much me and my mates want to get out hands on that game lol.
Death Stranding because Hideo Kojima

Jump Force because shounen FIGHTING CUH


and this

Fortnite is out on switch as of yesterday, they did some coverage for Super Smash, and the new fallout is cool.
I'm excited for Dying light 2, ( we can play together yes yes?) and also Session, since its been so long since we got a decent skate game.