Crafting System Reform

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Main Idea: Make crafting regular things (like guns, melee weapons, bandages...) timer-based like drugs

Full description of the idea:
- Add up all the materials necessary to craft the different parts of a weapon and pile them into a single-click weapon craft.
- You place a stove. Everyone would have a 2 spawned stoves maximum (maybe increase with VIP) to avoid producing 30 guns at the same time
- You gather your materials in your inventory and put the gun to craft in the stove.
- The gun will be ready in X minutes, X being defined mostly by the level of the gun (for example, a baseball bat would take 1 minute and a sniper rifle like 20). This is a tricky part, and I think the ideal way to go about it is trying to measure the average time someone spends crafting a specific gun. If for example, with the current system people spend 10 minutes clicking and clicking to make an AK-47, then make its timer 10 minutes for the new system as well.
- Only the crafter can retrieve the product.
- Either eliminate the possibility of stove catching on fire altogether or make it so that the gun isn't lost due to the fire (would be pretty dumb to lose 40k+ weapons due to a RNG fire). Another possibility would be make the stove generate fire anyways, but the stove or what's crafting inside it would never be destroyed, meaning to access your weapon you would have to clear the fire without actually risking loss.

Why should it be added?:
Because players are generally unhappy with the current system that asks for too much work and time in what is a videogame. It's a heavy, annoying, boring burden to be clicking and clicking all the time several times for one gun. Go to bazaar any day, you'll see at most 1 or 2 shops selling (limited) stuff.

+ Crafting feels less grindy while still requiring time to level up
+ A little bit of time-planning and decision-making dimension: what if you have your 2 stoves already cooking an AK-47 (10 min) but need to craft lockpicks (30 sec) RIGHT NOW to free your jail-going buddies? Should've saved one stove for fast-crafting, you will have to ask a friend or buy bobby pins!
+ No more clicking and clicking and waiting for meters to fill (which is basically a timer, but an annoying one), you can organize your shop while you have guns "cooking" or defend your base, something you couldn't do before!
+ We have a similar system in place for drugs, implementing this should be easier!
+ Crafting becomes more simple and lighter, opening up a new, legal way for new players to make money or earn their own weapons
+ Direct result of these would be making a better economy and a more diverse bazaar like it should be, and with sellers competing for the customers!

- What happens if you disconnect (for internet problems, for example) while crafting a gun? Do you lose what was being crafted or do you recover it in your inventory? Again, would be pretty dumb to lose very expensive weapons over an internet problem.

*Other additions: -

*Images: -
Well you gotta take your time, just do it while growing your drugs, you otherwise would be doing nothing anyway, take some time to craft parts and you will be set, yeah you gotta invest but since a few updates money is just raining from the sky so no one is crafting anymore because the profit margins are low, grind some get some, wanna be a hardcore criminal you gotta invest. Dont make this game an even worse cops vs robbers they trying to change it right now, loading shit like drugs would be aweful cause it will be stolen and I want to be able to walk around while crafting and not be in that shitty machine the hwole time
loading shit like drugs would be aweful cause it will be stolen

Thanks for clearly not reading the suggestion past the title.
Only the crafter can retrieve the product.

I want to be able to walk around while crafting and not be in that shitty machine the hwole time

You certainly are unable to walk around while crafting with the current system. You CAN walk around, do whatever you want while your gun crafts, no one will steal it. Again, thanks for reading the suggestion.

just do it while growing your drugs, you otherwise would be doing nothing anyway

Yes, just do it while growing drugs. If you don't want to grow drugs, well too bad for you, you will have to suffer the endless and annoying clicking we have to make everyone combine an entirely different and illegal production method with a legal one that has nothing to do with drugs.

If gun crafting is easier then having a low profit margin will feel like less of a scam to the producer.
Although Im on board with making crafting easier, any adjustments will kill bazzar further as people’s justification for purchasing weapons at bazzar is due to the time it takes to craft and get to that level to craft rather than cost of the items.
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