Glacial's Introduction

I recognize you but never knew you were from Cali. Southern or northern?
Hello nice to meet you im Gabriel Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso welcome to perp besure to delete CH before joining the server!
Hello nice to meet you im Gabriel Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso welcome to perp besure to delete CH before joining the server!

go back to the curry house
I am currently working for a hotel, about 30hrs a week.
What he means when he says this is that he hosts illegal aliens who have jumped the border in his underground safehouse somewhere on the American side just north of Tijuana whereafter he will convert the children into drug mules, the women into black market prostitutes and send the men off to work slave wages for a SoCal farmer until ICE agents arrive to send them filthy beaners back to where they belong.
If you spot this monster or anyone else who looks Mexican (this means he/she might be an illegal invader), please contact Immigration and Customs Enforcement through the methods in the following link:
Hola, mi nombre es Juan Carlos Gustavo Esteban Enrique-Núñez-García Ramírez-Vasquez-Rodriguez-Hernandez-Cortés Martínez-Roberto Smith. Bienvenido a la comunidad de perpheads, espero que la pases bien. Adiós
Well, if you are a old player from 2015...

Welcome to the Forums, took you some time to decide to make yourself an introduction, but as they say;

Better late than never!
Well, if you are a old player from 2015...

Welcome to the Forums, took you some time to decide to make yourself an introduction, but as they say;

Better late than never!

Lmao true but this kid is suchhhhh a no-namer