Glacial's Introduction

Hello, i am glacial. This is my first time making an introduction post on the forums. Please leave your kindhearted posts down below :)

I am 18 years old, living in California.
I'm 6'2. :cool:
My name in real life is Fabian. A good chunk of people know my first name.
(No its not Jose Pancho Guadalupe Garcia Velasquez) @iplayfortnitewith13yearoldgirls
I've been here since mid 2015, went inactive until late 2016 or 17 and been playing since.
I used to be a Super Admin on Zarp around 2015 and resigned to play perp.

I am currently working for a hotel, about 30hrs a week. (No i dont work as a lawnmowing mexican for @iplayfortnitewith13yearoldgirls (aquaa))
I am Mexican, dont belive me when i say im Asian. @Imperial Watch

Some of you may know me as glacial_subzero, but sorry i ditched _subzero cause it sounds childish. greekDitch

In game, my character's name currently is Victoria Gonzales.
Previously, I've had the names of:
Evan Emerson
Bubba Gump (?)
Victor Ramirez
Victor Gonzales
Victoria Gonzales (current)

On my free time i like to play on perpheads perp on gmod. I also like to watch anime whenever i can, i am currently watching attack on titan and my hero academia and other stuff :booty:.

I like to make montages of me killing people on the server for the people who are banned (so they can still feel like they're part of the community) or just for the community to enjoy :).
I am looking forward to making more montages soon so expect one to come out early october.

Over the years of playing on here i met a lot of cool people as well as got into a lot of trouble in game and as well as rule wise with staff.

Im only introducing myself now on the forums is because i feel that a good chunk of people dont recognize me or know me in character or on the forums.

This is also a post of me being reformed. I wont be holding any grudges or hatred towards anyone, come say hello to me on teamspeak when u see me!
Thanks for reading dont be toxic.

You tryharding for enforcer and a VISA?
never said i was german
you live in Germany though apparently or someone was faking u
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another mha nigga is a good nigga
just dont turn out like imperial
or sagittarius
or puma
or creepis
or riekelt
romanians and bulgarians are worse, they bring their whole family tree over to germany
Syrian Refugees
the amount we're getting is unreal, yes they have a war but not our fault they're all fucking lunatics and can't control ISIS or whatever. now they want fucking SHARIA FUCKING law, if u want it go back.