Zack and Mark the best secret service

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They also raided hicktown and shot an unarmed dude, and after being lit up by @Kenty and I, they dc'd, possibly still on red screen since 1 was shot out of a car lmfao. This was bought to the attention of staff in game but it seem so nothing was done about it due to none of us making an F6.

I'll see if I can get a video of the hicktown incident tomorrow, these two users weren't with the mayor at any point as SS and instead abused the free guns and cars to go on a crime spree.
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They also raided hicktown and shot an unarmed dude, and after being lit up by @Kenty and I, they dc'd, possibly still on red screen since 1 was shot out of a car lmfao. This was bought to the attention of staff in game but it seem so nothing was done about it due to none of us making an F6.

I'll see if I can get a video of the hicktown incident tomorrow, these two users weren't with the mayor at any point as SS and instead abused the free guns and cars to go on a crime spree.
Yh all 3 of the SS were at morons gp'ing people when the mayor was in city hall
Disregard, different sit.
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Both users, Zack Rijk and Mark Rijk will receive a warning for their actions and will be spoken to in game.​
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