an actual decent cop wow


Reaction score
building stuff
Hello friends, I would like to recommend @RapidMadman007, even though he's been recently recommended by someone else. He's one of the friendliest and cheerful people on a server that's currently filled with toxicity, salt, and overall cancer. All my interactions with him has been positive and overall just a break from how god awful people on the server can be and he's one of the only people in the sweaty and toxic PD that's pleasant to be around. I don't know much about him within the PD cause I don't wanna be involved in all that cancer, but from my experience with him while he's on duty, he's a very good officer and deserves to be promoted.

Congrats on Senior Officer

But he metagames
I've responded to the previous comment - But I'll write it here to clarify. At the current time, for myself, it was 4am and I was having an odd political debate with Garret and another Officer as a late night chat. When you hear me speaking through Teamspeak 3, it's because I was transmitting through both - Not intentionally to meta-game, no. I fully understand your reasoning behind your claims, and yeah - I made a mistake, but I often enjoy talking in Teamspeak 3 for topics out of Perpheads related, as you can hear during the entire video.
Why would you say that In-Game over voice chat in a car to someone you're patroling with because you're not using your radio lmao.
Why would you say that In-Game over voice chat in a car to someone you're patroling with because you're not using your radio lmao.
I was trying to tell him IC we were searching the garage - Whilst trying to say that I'd continue the conversation once the IC situation was over. I know it's all jumbled and all, again, it was my 4am antics and that's no excuse, but ah well.
np it doesn't bother me. tbh I'd be pissed with someone that chooses to upload something so dumb where it seems like you're metagaming.
np it doesn't bother me. tbh I'd be pissed with someone that chooses to upload something so dumb where it seems like you're meta-gaming.
I understand man, thanks. If I'm honest, it *Does* make me seem like a pretty heavy meta-gamer and I'll accept that. But I guess
I'll have to hope that other people understand that it wasn't my overall intention. But thanks for picking up on it man, I'll make sure to be more careful late at night, cheers.