Staff OOC Mute

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Main Idea: Give staff the ability to revoke someones OOC access

Full description of the idea: Add a command or button that gives staff members the power to mute someone in OOC. This could potentially work like the Blacklist tool where you can set time limit for it.

Why should it be added?: OOC can get a bit heated and sometimes deleting messages doesn't always work, being able to mute people would allow for a temporary cooldown and would help to reduce salt and shit without having to actually remove the player from the server.

Pros: Less aids and abuse in OOC
Staff can actually handle the people that get salty and spam OOC

Cons: Could reconnect or such to avoid this [May not be an issue]
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I’d love for something like this to be added instead of me tryharding to stop arguments.

Besides arguements, people who are generally being a bit mad or toxic could take an LOOC/OOC mute as a cooldown to void getting banned or warned for their behaviour.
After losing items, the majority of the community has the muscle memory of going to OOC and being a bit toxic. Staff have 3 options really:
  1. Spam delete
  2. Kick (which could interfere with rp)
  3. Warning/Ban.
Honestly these seem a bit lackluster when set into a list and staff need a better way to deal with an obvious toxicity issue, you can’t change the playerbase but you can adapt to their problems.
look dude i'm not generally toxic but i'm fucking chernobyl toxic when i get pissed off enough and that happens all too frequently

honestly the idea of disabling ooc for 30 seconds after death would personally do me wonders because i don't like being a twat but i have no filter when im pissed

this is a good suggestion too and itll most likely save me getting punished for 1.1 at some stage
theres likely contamination by toxic metals at some stage as a lot of products of radioactive decay are toxic

checkmate atheists

either way its just a figure of speech which is not made to hold any level of scientific accuracy or merit so fuggit dude CX
IIRC you can already, but it was a feature for SA+, where they could barr you from OOC til you rejoined.
I remember that it was removed when the SCAM was introduced. At least moderators lost that ability, not sure why really.
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