What Would You Do?: Being Raided Edition

WWYD After being raided

  • Cry Softly

    Votes: 12 13.6%
  • Go Into a Rage Frenzy and Throw Things Around

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Take a Deep Breathe and Relax, Maybe brew a cup of tea.

    Votes: 45 51.1%
  • Quit Garry's Mod, Shut down the Computer and Cry yourself to sleep.

    Votes: 24 27.3%

  • Total voters
did someone say basing

Hold a grenade with the spoon flipped and rush the raiders.

Like anyone's gonna preplan that scenario happening during a raid and be able to act quickly enough to prevent there fate.
Hold a grenade with the spoon flipped and rush the raiders.

Like anyone's gonna preplan that scenario happening during a raid and be able to act quickly enough to prevent there fate.
I once rushed out and killed 3 people until my mag ran out of ammo
The dreaded moment comes, Your batch is halfway grown, Your excited for the money and then you hear the sounds of a lockpick. Your heart races as you reach for your gun, Locking yourself in the room with the drugs, You aim your weapon at the door and take a deep breathe, The door flies open and 3 people come barreling into the room and shoot you down. You are dead, Your batch & Firearm are now gone. WWYD.

(This is just for fun :) )
Unrealistic options, there is no option to cry in ooc