Rework grenade throwing

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Rework the current physics for grenades so that they are thrown with more force and actually travel further. Currently when you throw them, they don't go very far at all, molotovs for instance are way better at being thrown and it makes grenades feel really bad to use and from my experience, quite unreliable. Feels like I'm throwing a 20kg stone not a 0.4kg grenade. It is really difficult to throw them over barricades/roofs etc. unless you are extremely close, because they fall too soon and don't go far horizontally.

Maybe make your "character" throw it further the higher your strength level is?

Why should this be added? (pros): Gives a reason to use grenades, since not many people use them now, because they aren't that effective unless close range.

What negatives could this have? (cons): They might become too good.
I ain't saying we should be Kobe'ing grenades across our render distance to trick shot a SWAT Van a 10th of a mile from us but I agree. Although the current throwing distance is far more useful in some situations. Maybe make it that you have to hold R Whilst throwing one to get the long / short throw?
To be honest, I don't think it's necessary as grenades can already been thrown quite far and are very good.
can we please add a pubg like system where you can throw them over or under, so over would be roughly the range from parker to scrapyard wall, under would roll them like a meter or 10

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