6 Non-Lethal TFU Grenades

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Description of the idea:

Stinger Grenade

On detonation this will produce a loud bang and it will release loads of small balls across the room which will stun and cause anyone pain that it comes in contact with. It should effect anybody that the grenade has line of sight with up to 10 metres, and anybody behind furniture within 2 metres of the grenade. It should take away maximum 10 HP for a direct hit, as this isn't designed to kill people.

Suggested Effects:
  • Moderately Restricted Movement Speed
  • Reduce up to 10 HP
  • Blurred Screen, up to 5 seconds
  • Temporary Hearing Distortion, up to 10 seconds, works through walls

Flash Grenade
A flash grenade is not the same as a stun grenade. A flash grenade should release between 3 to 7 loud explosions, these are used to distract the individual and should provide a short temporary blindness or restricted movement speed if you make eye contact with an explosion. They are not as loud as stun grenades.

Suggested Effects:
  • Slightly Restricted Movement Speed
  • Moderate White Screen, up to 2 seconds, and a further 6 seconds to fully fade out
  • Temporary Hearing Distortion, up to 10 seconds, works through walls

Stun Grenade
The stun grenade is basically the same as the one in-game already. It is one single explosion causing temporary blindness if you are looking at it. They are significantly louder and brighter than a flash grenade.

Suggested Effects:
  • Moderately Restricted Movement Speed
  • Significant White Screen, up to 5 seconds, and a further 10 seconds to fully fade out
  • Temporary Hearing Loss, up to 10 seconds, works through walls

Tear Gas Grenade
The tear gas grenade when thrown will leak gas into the room causing eye irritation, and eventually total blindness. It should also cause the charater to start coughing a lot. Heavy TFU should be exempt from the effects of tear gas. The effects should linger around for a few minutes.

Suggested Effects:
  • Constant Coughing, after 10 seconds of exposure.
  • Slightly Reduced Vision/Blurred Screen, after 15 seconds of exposure.
  • Moderately Reduced Vision/Blurred Screen, after 30 seconds of exposure.
  • Significantly Reduced Vision/Blurred Screen, after 45 seconds of exposure.

Dummy Grenade
You should also give TFU access to the Dummy Grenade. It could cause people to look away unnecessarily allowing us to rush in to kill Slaughters and Perpetrators with ease.

Smoke Grenade
We should also have access to a smoke grenade of some form, to allow us to cross dangerous death tunnels/hallways in a safer way. It would require optimisation to not lag people's games.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • More ways to deal with barricaded suspects
  • More realistic effects
  • TFU more balanced as people should fear police, not hunt them down like they do now
  • Less predictable entry methods
  • Entirely achieveable as a lot of what is suggested can be accomplished by copying the existing stun grenade and modifying the effects slightly

What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Sossa, Big Benji, Al Capone and other slaughter/perpetrator/la costa nostril will be upset because TFU is more balanced
  • Risk of lag with tear gas grenade/smoke grenade
*Other additions:

When I say deafening, I mean an ear ringing sound

*Images: [useful images]
@Alyt "TFU have the same effect from stun grenades" It really does show that you had TFU given to you instead of going through the application process, you know that, right?

TFU Cant be fully flashed. They can be flashed, but not fully. If you ever played civ, you would know a direct hit from a flashbang COMPLETELY Blocks your vision for a solid 10 seconds, whilst even if you have a flash go off in your hands as TFU, you still have limited visibility.
+ support, I definitely agree with this. Usually when you are in a raid as TFU and you try to cook a flash they will usually instantly know it's a flash grenade, because that's their only throwable nade. Having different types of throwables are like having different types of firearms, all useful and good in certain situations. This allows TFU to have a choice and be able to have strategies and different ways of entering. With this they can work as a team and use them with a combination. For example, throw a stinger , flash and then move in, or maybe gas, flash and then stinger and move in. This opens up many possibilities on how TFU execute their raids and I think it would definitely help. The smoke, idk about that since gmod is fuck all optimised as it is and People barely get over 30 FPS in raids with all the lights and shit that happens outside, having Fuck ton of smoke inside like its a gas chamber won't help the fps either.
that's my opinion on this
I believe this idea could be quite good. But I think that you should be able to only take 2 grenades with you. And you could choose which ones. So you dont have a full armoury in your pocket. +Support
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You niggas have unlimited ammo, flashbangs, armor, and a fucking bulletproof van. Explain to me how you're not OP?
or Maybe 1 of all? If they put in flash grenades, Stinger and Gas It would be pretty nice, would also make TFU carefully use their equipment since each member has 1 shot at throwing that nade.
Pretty sure I showed you at least 2 methods of working around that on your TFU stage 2 but ok...
No, that would be way too op. You should wisely choose which grenades you take with you. Or if you take 2 of 1 kind. Thats also way more balanced to the people in an apartment defending. It wouldn't be fun if theres 3 tfu infront of the apartment and you get stun after stun, flash after flash, sting after sting. its not fun that way and not fair at all.
@Lucius Husky Well it's also not fun for cops because people defending, camp in for a long ass time and wall banging every time someone goes through the metal detector.
There's workarounds to get around that. If you have a hunch that someone is going to shoot through something to kill you, then fire upon it. If you're already at the point where lethal force would be necessary there's no reason to hesitate putting half a mag into a bookshelf or slums bathroom wall before pushing inside.
@Alyt Good point, However I still think they should have 3 different types on person and only 1 of them. Having to constantly going to TFU van for refill and the time wasted is not efficient. These toys aren't that big and im sure they have enough pockets to fit 3. They fit 2 so 1 more on vest?
If the PD actually communicated effectively and organised themselves they would win way more but they play like chimps
@Sossa You guys have bombs, frag grenades, sometimes flankers, and kitted AK-47s. Also, we are entering a territory that you guys have built, a defense that changes apartment and building to building, so you have home-base advantage.
@Devon Stewart shit we pay for.

Frag grenades arent all that broken considering they throw like a tungsten testicle and only go about 4 foot in front of you. They’re also incredibly easy to avoid except in close quarters Unless you cook them. Kitted AK47s cost more than kitted M4s and have the same effect as your TFU M4’s do. It’s still quicker for a TFU to kill a suspect with an M4 than it is to kill a TFU with an AK. The latter only applies to raiding a warranted property which should be hard for police because the reward is great.
@BigBenji The reward isn't that great if you compare raiding that same building as a civ. Also, the amount of money you are talking about doesn't matter if all you do is grow cocaine, eat burger, and craft AK. Try building other weapons such as Mossbergs, Remingtons, or maybe SMGs.

TFU doesn't need as big of a balance as regular cops do. Seriously, pistol cops against around 3 fully armed civs? That is unfair. But I guess that's why we have Light TFU.
@Devon Stewart “if you compare raiding the same building as civ” of course the reward isnt going to be better because raiding as a civilian literally carries more than twice the risk? as a cop performing a raid your only enemy is the defenders whilst as civ you have to neutralise the threat inside then fight off people who either have twice the HP you do who Have full auto weapons, snipers and semi auto shotguns as well as armoured cops with pistols and shotguns. The ability to be able to counter raid with a pistol without being banned is also something cops can do that civs can’t by rules.

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