Jamals Ban Appeal

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology @Collier @Madda
Which staff member banned you: @nutrient10
How long were you banned for: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: J2K
Your In-game Name: Jamal Ross
Your Steam ID:

Why were you banned/blacklisted:
1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.2, - Extremely toxic and discriminatory towards me during an admin sit, also attempted Mass RDM in the admin sit. Was originally spamming some sort of rave music through his mic.

Why should this appeal be considered: After waiting 5 months/6 months of my ban, I feel like I've had enough time to reflect on the rights and wrongs on my behavior that was toxic to certain players within the community and fellow orgs in the server. I can see how my toxic behavior affected a lot of players, and I am here to apologize to everyone in the community who has been put off from the server by my actions. I'd also like to apologize for it taking a 6 months ban to realize how toxic and disgusting my actions were towards @nutrient10 & @nutrient11 at that time I didn't see how it could affect anyone because you know it's the internet but with this ban in order, I've had time to think about it. It took me a few months to realize how badly i was viewed by community members and how disgusting I really was to a lot of people in-game.

Another reason I feel like this ban appeal should be considered because even though I was very toxic to players within the community I was very sweater vest friendly, where me and @GringoHead used to go round stealing guns from the rich by mugging and whatever rifles we got from eco raiding we'd give to newer players to help them out, give them our number to contact us so we could swing by if they was being raided. I was always more than happy to go out my way to help newer players. I'd be willing to help newer players again if I was unbanned, by taking a few into an org building them up and then letting them go when I feel like they're ready, but I won't just then go targeting them after, I will let them build an org, because new players are always seeking an org with an active good owner.

I'd also like to apologize for my actions, if you'd like a full breakdown of why I was banned you can view it here. I was just very annoyed the day of my ban and came onto perp to relax and with hatred for @nutrient10 at that time with rumors from other staff members that he was trying his hardest to get me banned. It just seemed like a personal vendetta so when he pulled me to a sit I had no respect for him, when really I should've just took what he was saying on the chin and allowed the 3 day ban. So i'd like to apologize for wasting your time by going round mic spamming and then having a terrible attitude towards you in the situation and not taking anything into consideration. I'd also like to thank @Blackdown for calming me down after the situation and allowing me to explain myself and see from my POV why I was annoyed, after I realized my actions were wrong and poked nutrient saying sorry. So I owe you a thank you for opening my eyes to how toxic I was.

I am also someone who is very against mass rdming as stated in my other appeal, but at this time I was intoxicated which isn't an excuse because I knew what I was doing. However I have always been someone who has saw mass rdm as a cry for being noticed, i'd like to state I didn't attempt mass rdm by killing people in the sits to get any attention by community members. I was just at that time fully done with the server, with belief I was being targeted by staff members, waiting for a slip up to just ban me. Which at that time I felt like wasn't needed as I didn't see how toxic I was so I thought fuck it i'll give them what they want and just decided to go out being even more toxic than I had been before.

Another reason I feel like I should be unbanned well it's a bit of a weird one to see from my POV but i'll try and explain it. I feel like I should unbanned because if there isn't a good active org, the sweaters will be targeted instead of us, causing them to get overrun and ofc they'll stand no chances, because 9 times out of 10 they won't win with the odds being stacked against them (Numbers and usually the players having more experience with equipment for raids like nades etc) and yes you're probably thinking aren't you on of those people who just raid every base they see. However yes but no. Me and @GringoHead would add some roleplay to some extent with them, they could become an associate of ours by giving us information we needed and helping us occasionally do business. So instead of going merciless on them we'd give them a chance to work with us or they could work against us. Even then it's not like me and nade would go out our ways to ruin them we'd scout other bases in order from who's probably got the best gear, then hit the one with the probably most drugs.

I also feel like I owe the whole community an apology for also being very esports with the orgs at times of me playing with in the past years, where even if I won a raid i'd be toxic because i dont know something beef years ago that made me want to play. Ever since then I did the same things I've always done to try and get that same type of org war going on but now I know people don't enjoy playing against a player who is toxic even if he wins and it really demotivates you from playing or even basing. Even to the cop mains I was toxic because I was so up my own as because I was doing the criminal side which I just forced a lot of them of out due to my toxic issues and constantly raiding. However the constantly raiding people did change towards the end when me and nade tried to make peoples experiences more fun however not everyone also wants to roleplay which is probably another reason why I just said fuck this and mass rdmed. Because everytime me or nade wanted to do some roleplay they'd break 3.4 and we'd sit there for 30 mins arguing in a sit. After a while this got really boring for me and @GringoHead and started falling away from the server, which is where we started losing care for it and even hope. But I apologize to the ones that were affected by my toxic behavior within raids even though I saw no harm to it then, I see it clearly now.

Now i'd like to also apologize to the staff team overall within these past years, especially the ones who were trying to help me and keep me on the server I appreciate your help throughout the years but I can only apologize for now and say how i've changed to you. Once i'm unbanned whether be if this gets accepted or the 31st i'd like to show all the staffs time that i've wasted over the years that i'm an easy person to deal with now and not some toxic child who needs his ego boosting every 5 mins so I can get a hard on and sleep well at night. I've been a big pain to you guys and god knows how many sits i've been in and there has been some toxic back and forth between me and people in those sits when it could've been avoided just like me breaking these rules. Thank you for reading if you did
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Ok idk why it's came out like that, anyone know how to get rid of this box around it? making my shit all clunked up with no paragraphs. I also can't correct any mistakes without it deleting the whole paragraph for some reason
Ok idk why it's came out like that, anyone know how to get rid of this box around it? making my shit all clunked up with no paragraphs. I also can't correct any mistakes without it deleting the whole paragraph for some reason
edit and remove the quotes
Ok idk why it's came out like that, anyone know how to get rid of this box around it? making my shit all clunked up with no paragraphs. I also can't correct any mistakes without it deleting the whole paragraph for some reason
When you copy paste certain things from other threads it does that, try copying your thread post, paste it into a word document and copy it back into here
When you copy paste certain things from other threads it does that, try copying your thread post, paste it into a word document and copy it back into here
Thanks, idk why i didn't think of that before lmao
Thank you for your apology @Jamal, I appreciate it. Hopefully, now you see how your actions can have an effect on people and I have no problem with you returning to the server a month early as long as you can continue demonstrating your changed ways and not going back to being toxic once you're back.
Thank you for your apology @Jamal, I appreciate it. Hopefully, now you see how your actions can have an effect on people and I have no problem with you returning to the server a month early as long as you can continue demonstrating your changed ways and not going back to being toxic once you're back.
I appreciate the feedback, honestly I was just in a immature phase, I feel like i don't even have the effort to be toxic anymore
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