Change the color of the new players' names IC

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Description of the idea: Every civilian in-game has a green name displayed above their head in green color. Jobs like police, medic, mayor, SS have different colors assigned to them so they can be easily distinguished.
I am proposing we add a new color that would be assigned to those with under "X" amount of play time to where they're considered a new player. For example, light purple. Then, if applicable, add as an addition to 2.5 that these players should generally in most cases, not be mugged or raided on purpose or targeted.

Why should this be added? (pros): - Prevent new players from getting mugged/raided as there's no rule-defined way to punish those who do it without them saying "I didn't know".
- The learning curve as well as earning money is very steep as a new player, and ensuring they're safe during this process by being very easily distinguishable could actually allow them to start within the gamemode.
- People no longer have any excuse to be a dickhead and target new players for easy money.

What negatives could this have? (cons): I don't know if it could be done or if it would conflict with anything.
Or like certain GTA V RP servers do it, just have a big thing that says 'New Player' above their head
There are obviously pros to this addition, but at the same time we need to take in to account that this can be heavily used to metagame. For example someone wants to integrate themselves with a new name in an org in order to backstab and if this is added it would be impossible to do so.

Another thing that comes to my mind is that this will just make newer players kind of spoiled and won't show them just one side of the server which would be the one where they are treated as gods and after that short period they are going to be directly thrown in to deep waters where everything is completely different.
Or like certain GTA V RP servers do it, just have a big thing that says 'New Player' above their head
I have considered this but I feel like it could break immersion seeing that here and there!
There are obviously pros to this addition, but at the same time we need to take in to account that this can be heavily used to metagame. For example someone wants to integrate themselves with a new name in an org in order to backstab and if this is added it would be impossible to do so.

Another thing that comes to my mind is that this will just make newer players kind of spoiled and won't show them just one side of the server which would be the one where they are treated as gods and after that short period they are going to be directly thrown in to deep waters where everything is completely different.
As much as I agree with this the reason why we don't get many new players to stay is because of this "other side of the server" which is, to be fair, very common and it is very easy for a new player to tell that they're a TONNE of shootouts every day around perp. I definitely think this should be implemented, at least for the short term to really get people to see that PERP is a server worth staying in. @Efan and many other staff members are trying to promote roleplay and eliminate toxicity on the server so this will definitely be a good step forward. Currently, I feel like too many people hop on perp just to get in shootouts which quite frankly gets very boring and is the inspiration for many unwanted toxic situations on the server not to mention the plethora of rule breaks you are prone to if you're not careful during a shootout.
sounds like a good idea but you also gotta consider this could make new players in shootouts stick out like a sore thumb also forgot to add
the sweater outfit is sorta a teller tbh
sounds like a good idea but you also gotta consider this could make new players in shootouts stick out like a sore thumb also forgot to add
the sweater outfit is sorta a teller tbh
you have to be close to someone to see their name tag, a different colour wouldn't affect it? Also people dress up in sweaters all the time to fake being new.
you have to be close to someone to see their name tag, a different colour wouldn't affect it? Also people dress up in sweaters all the time to fake being new.
yeah true but if it was red or something it also says hey theese people are vu =nerable to exploitation etc lets get them to grow drug's for shit wages etc but i'd be up for it. it does need a big brain think behind it to make sure its fair for other people and sweaters
yeah true but if it was red or something it also says hey theese people are vu =nerable to exploitation etc lets get them to grow drug's for shit wages etc but i'd be up for it. it does need a big brain think behind it to make sure its fair for other people and sweaters
If you make them grow for you then its their decision, they can decide if they want to or not, it doesn't need a big brain just don't mug and target sweaters.
I'm new to the server, not often a newbie holds weight in something but I'll take the opportunity to offer perspective. I am not new to Perp itself, played since 2010.

The idea of getting mugged with so little to start with sucks for new players. In 20 hours on the server I actually haven't been mugged once yet, even with all the monorail travel and swimming around docks. Having had experience I know not to grow solo and unarmed in peak hours - I've grown 3 times with sub 10 players online and been raided only 1 of the 3 sessions.

With city jobs, the city employees seem pretty nice to new players if you explain you're new to the map. That was refreshing to see and really drew me into this community, I want to commend the core members and staff for being welcoming and inclusive in a historically toxic gamemode.

All that said, if the concept of Gun Point and 3.4 were more prominent to fresh players, it couldn't hurt. It should be clear to newbies that confrontation can and will happen, and how to play it out.

I came into the thread thinking colored names or a tag would be helpful but ultimately agree with the other comments that it would disrupt certain aspects of the gamemode. My idea would be to pick out some core rules to present to new players in a "click to continue" box every time they join the server until they have 24 hours of server time. Repetition of core rules helps cement it in their starting gameplay. Lastly, I haven't been in an admin sit yet but I imagine they have a tool to check playtime when considering the situation (if not, it might be helpful).

Hope this had some value, back to lurking

Players with over 1 month playtime will be able to identify players with under week playtime via their name colour.
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