Ban request|Hi Guys

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Mr.Black|Joe_Bishop
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hi Guys
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Matinio
His/Her SteamID: Hi Guys STEAM_0:1:32557049
His/Her SteamID: Matinio STEAM_0:1:7265540
Reason: Evrything started from a raid that they did on us and failed, afther 10 min they came as SWAT and LT screaming they saw us out side of our property with guns, and charging inside trying to restrains us,

as the demo shows we ware inside all the time crafting stuff
We did indeed raid you, and failed. When respawning I decided to go SWAT, not for raiding you, but just to RP a law enforcerer. Matinio patrolled the city since the server was kinda empty and saw a man with a rifle on his back, in public, which is illegal. He then called me as a backup. When I arrived I saw Matinio, holding you at gunpoint, altough you still refused to listen to him, breaking 3.4. I assisted him, by pointing my gun at you but you still refused to stop, attempting to get into your friends vehicle.

Edit; I remembered killing you, which was not purpose. After you refused to cooperate with us, the two officers holding an mp5 and m9 pointed towards you, and keeped running away, I attempted to break your leg, but failed.
We did indeed raid you, and failed. When respawning I decided to go SWAT, not for raiding you, but just to RP a law enforcerer. Matinio patrolled the city since the server was kinda empty and saw a man with a rifle on his back, in public, which is illegal. He then called me as a backup. When I arrived I saw Matinio, holding you at gunpoint, altough you still refused to listen to him, breaking 3.4. I assisted him, by pointing my gun at you but you still refused to stop, attempting to get into your friends vehicle.

Edit; I remembered killing you, which was not purpose. After you refused to cooperate with us, the two officers holding an mp5 and m9 pointed towards you, and keeped running away, I attempted to break your leg, but failed.

In the rules and laws it clearly says do NOT shoot unless your life is directley threatened. And a man running away is not a threat to your life. Also do you see Officers shoot people for running away in real life? Also LT didn't deploy you which is another rule break. And shooting a high calibre weapon to stop someone is not very clever. Also how did you kill him by shooting his legs? Something doesn't add up.
Well, the rules also says that you should do whatever you can in order to protect your life. Now don't be too sure that officers WONT shoot you if you have a shotgun wielded, trying to run away. Now the reason to as why he ran away is something that doesn't add up. If a man has a high calibre weapon equiped, I will use high calibre.

And an edit on that. If an officer points a gun at a man, he most likely wont shoot. But I have never seen a situation where a person is running away from a cop when he is at a clear gunpoint.
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Oh yeah lats not forget when you came out the swat was on the window waiting only to shot and you did kinda an NLR by coming back afther deafh as a cops
Well, the rules also says that you should do whatever you can in order to protect your life. Now don't be too sure that officers WONT shoot you if you have a shotgun wielded, trying to run away. Now the reason to as why he ran away is something that doesn't add up. If a man has a high calibre weapon equiped, I will use high calibre.

And an edit on that. If an officer points a gun at a man, he most likely wont shoot. But I have never seen a situation where a person is running away from a cop when he is at a clear gunpoint.
But before you said it was on his back? Why are you lying? First its kn his back, now he's aiming it at you? In which case you broke 3.4... You are very clever.
Don't be childish by throwing out personal insults, I thought you were older than that. I never said that he had it in his hand, with wielded i meant that he had it on him
You are lying you were running outside with the shotgun a second before that demo. I will post my demo in a bit when i have downloaded the content pack i just see a bunch of errors for now.
I now watched your demo and it seems you didn't run out with your shotgun, but your friend with an automatic weapon. This is even visible in your demo if you use the drive function and noclip outside. And when i got in there your friend had stored his automatic weapon away (This is against the rules since we were trying to arrest you) so I assumed it was you running across the parking lot because you were the only one with a gun on your back. So blame your friend for breaking the rules by storing away his weapon. After we got into your building you guys ran outside to your car while at gunpoint, and you still had your shotgun on your back so you actually got into public with your shotgun.

All of this shows in your demo and we never did anything wrong, since we had a valid reason to go into your house. It was solely your fault for running outside to your car, if you'd instead stayed and explained to me that it was your friend that ran across the parking lot, you wouldn't have had to loose your shotgun.
And again you still came as SWAT you pulled your gun on us when we didnt aim even start scream we saw you + you came back afther you failled to raid us
I think you are starting to panic cus that didn't make sense at all. I was a cop not swat, i pulled my gun so you wouldn't pull yours or run away, which you totally ignored anyway and it's a bannable offense. You should re-read my last message and admit that you're in the wrong.
Just wait for Moron to deal with this, as I believe he is on requests this week. Stop arguing.
From where can I start?

You were with a gun inside of MC UWES. To be honest your gun was in sight of everyone. Which means Law Enforcement Officers can order you to get down and speak with you about this situation. Anyways that was what the LT did, first of all I don't understand why the S.W.A.T("Hi guys") was there anyways (Rule 4.5), and I really doubt that he got called because there wasn't any emergencies before (10 minutes later and it was completely clean).

Anyways as I said they have rights to accuse you of having a gun as it is in sight of everyone. Later there was a LT pulling a gun at you and a S.W.A.T too, and you completely ignored it, you even passed on their side (3.4 - Putting your Life at Risk).

Just don't get it, why did the S.W.A.T shot at you (law: 7.4: Firearms may only be fired to prevent injury to one’s self or another; where possible, firearms should only be used in a threatening way, so as to subdue an attacking criminal(s).). Pretty much he was running away "Hi guys" (S.W.A.T), you should had reported the situation, because he pretty much didn't took the gunpoint into consideration, which was not normal. The S.W.A.T shouldn't had shot you. You were not a threat to anyone with the Shotgun on your back, also you didn't pull a gun at the S.W.A.T and/or LT, so they didn't have a reason to shot you to death.

+ SUPPORT - I support this request, because the S.W.A.T decided to shoot you until you got uncounsious, because you were running away.

However you broke 3.4, I would request when taking this Ban Request into consideration to decide something about you (Mr.Black), by breaking 3.4. (like a warning).

- TraxØGJ

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What i can Say here Matinio does fail i pulled him over for traffic stop other day 3 seconds later bullet in my head i asked some staff is that aloud and they said no.
The Lieutenant did not come back to purposely raid you, he simply saw you with a gun. It was your fault for them raiding your property as you ran off at gunpoint and you also refused to drop the gun. On the other hand, the SWAT officer and the LT will be receiving a warning for just walking into the property and killing you.
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