Police Suggestion A better alternative throwable option for TFO's

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Brief description of idea: A normal flash grenade just like it is now, how ever, it ignites multiple times and spreads but not a lot. Maybe explodes 4 times?

What benefits would this idea have for the department: More useful in raids, have the current flash grenade fully blind you and slow your movements. Have the proposed one ^ blind you slightly and give a disorienting effect making it a bit difficult to control recoil and aim correctly.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: People will bitch about it being an OP buff, just like every other "buff" the PD gets. It's always OP according to some civs.

Other additions:
0:57 time stamp of how it would look like. Maybe create something similar?

Current flashbangs are not THAT useful since people will just sit behind barricades and it won't even flash them. And to be able to get a "good" flashbang where it actually stuns 1-2 shooters out of sometimes 6, you will need to sacrifice yourself in front of the doorway to lob that thing in deep in their defences.

Not sure if this is possible but considering the current flashbang can do this but once, maybe it could be modified to explode 4 times in a random direction?
Current flashbangs are not THAT useful
I think flashbangs are already very effective if used correctly and when you learn how to push and engage with them, but currently, most of the time I see TFU ending up flashing themselves or other cops (Which is no fault of their own, just that it isn't skill-based anymore) which probably means it would be best to just host retrainings instead of adding something like this as it will still backfire.
I personally don’t believe this is needed, the current flash bangs are amazing (if used correctly.) It is not that hard to time a flash bang, if not just throw it and run in before it explodes
This would be a lot of work, for something that is defiantly not needed.

I also believe TFU would benefit more from something else (if anything) such as another car - for light tfu, instead of some rainbow six siege type flash bang.
I don't think anyone is against this idea because it sounds like they wouldn't like this addition, this would be cool and I'm sure the community would enjoy this


The criticism is more that we already have flashbangs and this seems highly unnecessary as it would involve a lot of development work for something we already have.
we need incindiary gernades so we can cook the hostage takers and hostages because we dont negotiate with terroists or there hostages and its the spetnaz way
I think flashbangs are already very effective if used correctly and when you learn how to push and engage with them, but currently, most of the time I see TFU ending up flashing themselves or other cops (Which is no fault of their own, just that it isn't skill-based anymore) which probably means it would be best to just host retrainings instead of adding something like this as it will still backfire.
It is cool though and would definitely fit the role of a TFO. Plus its an alternative so that you can get a choice between 2 options.
I’d actually prefer that the grenades had a bit of a rework, when they’re thrown they seem so heavy and clunky. They’re very unintuitive to use

Would this not suffice for this idea?

Multi bang flashbang would be hard to balance. The benefit of a flashbang already is the sound is very short meaning you can probably hear suspects immediately after it detonates. This idea could well prove To be more disorienting for both parties in shootouts.

Would this not suffice for this idea?

Multi bang flashbang would be hard to balance. The benefit of a flashbang already is the sound is very short meaning you can probably hear suspects immediately after it detonates. This idea could well prove To be more disorienting for both parties in shootouts.
Honestly, you can just give me a "flash bang" that pops 4 times and does absolutely nothing and I'd still be happy. And tbh most Counter terrorist Units and SWAT use the multi-bang flashbang. Current flashbang people will hear the pin being pulled/spoon going off and they would just expect it, so it's not that good unless its PERFECTLY timed to explode mid air. Which is a risk because not done properly can fuck the whole unit over... Maybe it could be implemented with less effects like the current flash? Like blinds you a bit less but make a lot of noise?

Another vid
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