Server Suggestion Varying fish weight

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Description of the idea: Varying fish weight

Why should this be added? (pros): adds variation to fishing because lets be honest not every fish is exactly 2kg irl

What negatives could this have? (cons): could be ''HaRd to AdD''

*Other additions: price per kg varys on the type of fish
cod 75 maybe 100dollars a kg
trout 100 to 150 per kg
salmon 200 to 250 per kg
fish weight varys from 1kg to maybe 100kg or uncapped
The model could also be scaled to the appropriate size when dropped, as well as changing how much it fills you up.
also just a little side not if there were to be added dont make it go from like 2kg to 3 or 4 we should be able to capture fucking massive fish as well with a maybe 100kg or more cap limit

*Images: [useful images]
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I thinks it’s a great idea! Adds more realism to fishing! Could also add some new fishes, more rare than others. Which could for example be sold at Poisson the ‘useless’ fishshop in the city .
I thinks it’s a great idea! Adds more realism to fishing! Could also add some new fishes, more rare than others. Which could for example be sold at Poisson the ‘useless’ fishshop in the city .
Like Aarons idea, together with this. Would make a fun addition. But I also really like homeless his suggestion.
The model could also be scaled to the appropriate size when dropped, as well as changing how much it fills you up.
I think this is a really cool idea aaron, expanding legal ways of making money is something that has been asked for a lot and this is a way to make fishing at least slightly more interesting than it currently is. It should also be relatively straight forward as this should only be code changes nothing else.
I think this is a really cool idea aaron, expanding legal ways of making money is something that has been asked for a lot and this is a way to make fishing at least slightly more interesting than it currently is. It should also be relatively straight forward as this should only be code changes nothing else.
well homeless came up with the idea for increasing model size and hunger so thats just coding too right
I think this is a really cool idea aaron, expanding legal ways of making money is something that has been asked for a lot and this is a way to make fishing at least slightly more interesting than it currently is. It should also be relatively straight forward as this should only be code changes nothing else.
tyla i just realised this could also open up a collectable market for fish
the heavy weight fish could be displayed and sell for a heafy premium but this means the fish shop will need reworking to work on a weight system and the q menu will have to look diffrent inorder to display the stack of fish's induvidual weight
it would have to display the weight like the current water tank fulness is dispayed on the q menu how ever this could be a small coding fix
Maybe just add a rarer large fish?

If we made it so you fillet fish into meat then this could work with yield per fish but even then I consider this to be useless as when it comes to fish they’re already relatively large items and mathematically calculating fish weights could be a pain for the game mode.

Even with products with different quality variations like meth, the items are individual types and only produce more of the item as opposed to a better quality item.
I like the idea but I don’t think you’re going to be catching a 100kg fish with that fishing rod
I like the idea but I don’t think you’re going to be catching a 100kg fish with that fishing rod
well true so i think if it were to catch it with the rod it'd be lost after or maybe a speciality rod could be added
Maybe just add a rarer large fish?

If we made it so you fillet fish into meat then this could work with yield per fish but even then I consider this to be useless as when it comes to fish they’re already relatively large items and mathematically calculating fish weights could be a pain for the game mode.

Even with products with different quality variations like meth, the items are individual types and only produce more of the item as opposed to a better quality item.
benji all you got to do is code the weight with a randomizer within 2 set limits i think it could be done but not every fish IRL is exactly 2k on the nose and this would make fishing fun as you want to get the heaviest fish you can and it adds collectibility
benji all you got to do is code the weight with a randomizer within 2 set limits i think it could be done but not every fish IRL is exactly 2k on the nose and this would make fishing fun as you want to get the heaviest fish you can and it adds collectibility
Which needs to be generated for each individual fish spawned in on fishing rods or purchased from an NPC, and selling them per weight as opposed to a fix value would need to be coded into the game.

We’re on source btw.
Which needs to be generated for each individual fish spawned in on fishing rods or purchased from an NPC, and selling them per weight as opposed to a fix value would need to be coded into the game.

We’re on source btw.
yeah but im sure magic man could fix it and if the coding issue were to be fixed this would be a amazing additon

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