Server Suggestion Add a booze trade

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To allow realistic suggesting, I have tried to make this suggestion incorporate as much in-game features as possible.

Description of the idea:

Adding a booze trade to allow 'passive' illegal (or legal) activities. Here's an idea of how it may be played out:

A similar system to existing wine/spirit brewing seen in-real-life, booze can be brewed via a demijohn, or in Perp's case, a water tank/distillation kit used for drugs. On days where hot weather (20 C or over) is present, these can be left to ferment passively. On cold days, use of a Chemical Table, a Cooker on gas mark 1, and a heatsync (a newspaper on a pyrex dish, with the bottle placed atop) would be required in order to allow fermentation of the spirit to occur.

An example of gaining ingredients:
Yeast can possibly be bought from Fredy's Bakery (I thought yeast was already in the game for some reason, I was thinking of Baking Powder)

Sugar can possibly be bought from Rogue's Roastery- I mean Mad Joe's Coffee

Flavourings, like Pumpkin, can increase the value of the final spirit, or other fruits/additives.

To complete the brewing for export or personal consumption, it can be bottled in empty water bottles, or empty beer bottles.

For export, one of the Bar Attendant's behind the counter can offer you a shady business for a good price (similar pricing to what you earn from fishing)

Additionally, booze can be consumed like beer.

Why should this be added? (pros):
A less intense illegal (or legal) activity that incorporates existing usage for the chemical table
Booze can be consumed and enable certain buffs or drawbacks
Another income for players
Another new activity tree to explore.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
There may just be 1 fruit/addition that's OP and will be exploited
A new case of powergrowing excuse can be generated

*Other additions:
Brewing can take time, or get spoiled if left too long
The process of brewing can be illegal, but the sale of the actual finished product can be legal

*Images: See thread

Any suggestions in the reply section is greatly appreciated
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i would love to see this done i suggested something simmilar a while ago were the longer its brewed so mins=ingame years the more value it'd gain
and a quality system like meth were adding certain ingredients made diffrent types quantity and quality of booze
for 1 container full of liquid (25 litre) and 1 bottle being a litre id be looking about 12k for the batch so maybe 500 per bottle
mate would there be a Aging system were you put it in a barrel and the price increases with time
I would like to see this added tbh, it would be cool if you could make other alcohols like rum and whiskey, and the more time you have it in your storage the more the value increases
I would like to see this added tbh, it would be cool if you could make other alcohols like rum and whiskey, and the more time you have it in your storage the more the value increases
kemp what i was thinking is you'd have to use aging barrels so other players could steal it so its sort of higher risk higher reward if you get my drift ??
Adding beer brewing would be sick ngl but the idea of selling it to the NPC in the same way as the Drug Dealer could lead to weird issues like people selling beers they had in their inventory.

It could work though, Wouldn't mind seeing items such as glass bottles being purchasable without needing to drink or fish in order to make this possible!
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