Increased Stamina Regeneration via Genetics

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Please vote on this StrawPoll to pick your desired type of Stamina bonus if the developers decide that adding all two together is a bad idea and we should only receive one of these listed bonuses instead. Someone removed Polls from the Suggestions forums for some reason

Description of the idea: Increase the stamina regeneration if you have the regeneration genetic. Stephen bamboozled me in 2015 and said that this genetic influenced stamina regeneration, but it doesn't.

Players complained before all the way in 2015 because of stamina draining too quick. This would be a welcome addition to make their lives easier running around for no reason instead of dying of a caffeine overdose from drinking too many Cup of Joe's.

It should do one of these two things or all together, discuss below and vote on the StrawPoll at the top to pick your favorable one:
  • Regeneration rate = Passively regenerates an additional % of Stamina per level (Cap of 25% at Level 5)
  • Regeneration delay = Stamina regeneration kicks in quicker than usual (Regeneration takes place at a cap of 35% quicker than usual at Level 5)
It should not:
  • Introduce a bonus that regenerates more stamina from drink items (gaining instant stamina on roids is bad)

Why should this be added? (pros): More stuff to do with more Stamina.
Not running around breathless all the time, giving players more time to think and pause for some moments even during combat situations to get out of a rock and a hard place.

What negatives could this have? (cons): People won't watch their stamina consumption and complain how stamina is still broken.

Additional Options*: Buff the amount of stamina you regenerate by sitting down on chairs/vehicles.
Consuming cocaine gives you +1 Regeneration.
Dexterity already improves stamina regeneration. What are you suggesting that is new?
No one knows what any of the Genetics really do with some exceptions so this is helpful, thanks.

If you have points in Rege then the Regeneration genetic should only help with the delay (or rate?) when Stamina should get regenerated. Other than that, the optional additions are also there.
Good idea I remember stamina went down way too fast and regenerated very slowly. Would be of great benefit to add this to the server and provide more benefits for genes
I tested TinySlayer's information and dexterity does increase the rate at which stamina is regenerated. Compared from Dexterity 2 and Dexterity 5, it regenerated about 40% quicker from exhausted to rested (no maths involved :p only time)

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