Drugs actually doing something other than shitting cash or making your screen funny, addiction, etc.

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Description of the idea:
Give using drugs actual physical effects, such as benefits, but with downsides too.

One thing that irks me about PERP is that people can become virtual drug lords without having to interact with a single player outside their organisation. It’s not very productive for roleplay.

Giving drugs physical benefits for their use to give players a real reason to want to keep them, or possibly buy them off another player would Encourage players to seek out drugs.

Alcohol is the closest thing to this we have, except it has no physical benefits, just effects to help you roleplay as drunk.

The screen effects from taking the drugs should all stay how they are.
I’ll start with:
Positive Physical effect: Slightly speeds up stamina regeneration for 20 seconds but only when you stand still or walk.
Reason: Tobacco is smoked for the slight relaxing buzz nicotine gives.
Downside: as is (slight health loss)
Reason: ciggies bad.

Positive Physical effect: 10% Increase in health regen speed for 5 minutes.
Reason: Cannabis is used medically for pain management.
Downside: obstructive screen effect for 5 minutes, 20% increase in recoil when using firearms for 5 minutes. 20% slower stamina regeneration for 5 minutes.
Reason: despite also having stimulant properties, it is generally a depressant.

Positive physical effect: +0.5 strength for 5 minutes.
Reason: Alcohol lol
Downside: as is (blurred screen and wonky movement which gets worse the more you drink, falling unconscious if overconsumed) alongside slower health and stamina regen.
Reason: alcohol lol.

There should be no upsides or downsides to mushrooms tbh. They’re fine as is.

Positive physical effect: 15% faster stamina regen for 5 minutes. Also a boost in stamina when used.
Reason: cocaine is a stimulant.
Downside: You bleed out 25% faster on cocaine, and are 50% more likely to bleed from taking damage. You can fall unconscious and die within 3 minutes if you take too much.
Reason: as a stimulant, cocaine raises your blood pressure and heartbeat. This means your body is pumping blood harder and if a leak in your cardiovascular system were to occur, the blood would be pushed out faster, meaning you bleed out faster.

Positive physical effects: Sprinting takes up 35% of the stamina it normally would, and jumping only half, for 5 minutes. Punching power is increased and melee weapon damage is increased (But not with the machete or katana since those are already pretty fucking strong)
Reason: Meth is meth. It gives people superpowers.
Downsides: You will bleed out 50% faster than you normally would. Highly obstructive screen effect. Your ability to use a firearm whilst high should be greatly hindered. Mixing it with alcohol or cocaine can be fatal. Random chance to drop dead if you consume more than 2 meth in 5 minutes, this chance increases the more you take.
Reason: meth hella dangerous Lol.

Other drugs that are currently unusable, such as painkillers, should be consumable.

Painkillers should block you from taking damage whilst trying to sprint with a crippled leg for 1 minute, on the downside that they have a cool down of 1 minute 30 seconds.

Addictions should also be a thing so players can become Hooked on drugs. Whilst most drug users start using a drug because of its effects, addicts of certain drugs either get hooked on the high, or in the case of nicotine addiction, require nicotine to feel normal.

Addictions will stay on your player til the server restarts, til they’re treated at the hospital for a fee depending on the drug, replaced with another addiction,

Each addiction should work as such:

Addiction to alcohol should have a 5% chance of occurring after 1 beer, but if you drink whilst drunk, the chance goes up the more beers you stack.
The effect will be -1 to your strength stat as well as -1 to your intelligence stat until you drink at least 1 beer. Addiction to alcohol can be overcome in 2 hours of IRL time Or by paying a $250 fee at the hospital.

Addiction to tobacco will have a 20% chance of occurring for each time you smoke.
The effect of the addictions withdrawal will be your stamina regen will be significantly slower. Smoking will only remove this effect. Tobacco addiction can be overcome only by either after a server restart, or by paying a 1k fee at the hospital.

Meth withdrawal will overall slow down your player and effect your ability to shoot. Meth addiction can only be beaten by going to the hospital to speak to the NPC and payimg a 2k fee.

Cocaine withdrawal will lower your players stamina and stamina regeneration.
Cocaine withdrawal can be cured by waiting 4 hours of in game time without using cocaine, or by visiting the hospital and paying a 1k fee.

Ephedrines new use:
Ephedrine can now be taken to fight off withdrawal symptoms. They won’t however cure an addiction.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Roleplay in the sense of actually having reason and incentive to deal drugs to other players or to buy them off other players.
- Gives drugs a purpose beyond being grinded down for cash.
- the ability to become addicted and overdose is realistic and would possibly create more roleplay for EMS

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Glorifying drug use I guess​

This is already in development after @Bolli planned a few things over the last few days, but cheers for the extra points that you've added - I'm sure some of these will make their way into the update once we release!
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