Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: None but for now i guess i take creepis
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Lenndrik/rolie26
Your Roleplay Name: Lenndrik doe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:528080518 - STEAM_0:0:426436177

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I dont know anymore its way to much

Why should this appeal be considered?: You should consider this because i did alot of things to try and get unbanned and the only thing i wanna do is have fun with my dad tougheter the only problem is i had a 1 day ban left when my dad started playing i learned him somebasics where i played thats how i got an ban evading ban after alot of chating and a teamspeak later the outcome was that i had to wait it out but there where multiple ways to shorter the ban even tho i dident succseed in this my unban date should be 7 October 22:13 this was not the case because i got another ban of a week wich it totally unrealistic because 1. I wasnt even playing on the second ban my dad was so this should not count as ban evading at all and my account shouldent be banned for something he did and asuming i was playing is unfair 2. My dad has a clean sheet so to ban him because he killed an police officer for an week is real
Unfair aswell in my opinion 3. Giving me an extra week for where i dident play is unfair in my opinion aswell. I would love to be unbanned aswell for my dad so we can play tougheter this weekend and thank you for cosindering this

Additional Information: Before you close or denie my appeal please gather some information about this because i put alot of time into my unban more then i should anyways but i just like the server
Me and @Double J was the one who extended your ban when I caught you ban evading
It wasnt ban evading thats the problem
We where discussing i talked to collier i explained it to him a few days ago on thursday can you please unban me because my dad has a day off work and collier promised me and rolie26 that we where getting unbanned yeasterday if you unban us you will see it isnt ban evading and there is 2 serious players playing on the same ip adress
rolie26    Jago Nafaro    STEAM_0:1:528080518    [LOOC] i got to go to my mom    3 okt 2021 15:37:51
rolie26 Jago Nafaro STEAM_0:1:528080518 [OOC] why tf you rdm me? 3 okt 2021 13:02:01

As being the person who first suspected rolie26 of being a alt account. I talked to your father. Above don't sound like him?
rolie26    Jago Nafaro    STEAM_0:1:528080518    [LOOC] i got to go to my mom    3 okt 2021 15:37:51
rolie26 Jago Nafaro STEAM_0:1:528080518 [OOC] why tf you rdm me? 3 okt 2021 13:02:01

As being the person who first suspected rolie26 of being a alt account. I talked to your father. Above don't sound like him?
I talked about that with collier aswell if your intrested in that ask him but can i be unbanned ? I will prove myself and my dad i will not break any rules etc why would i ban evade when my ban expires in 14 hours just give us a chance you want regret it
I talked about that with collier aswell if your intrested in that ask him but can i be unbanned ? I will prove myself and my dad i will not break any rules etc why would i ban evade when my ban expires in 14 hours just give us a chance you want regret it

I talked to Collier, the below quote is what he said. We both know you used your father's account. You even did it on the day, you, Collier, and I talked on top of the RC roof. The fact that you called @Ellie bad words just proved it as that's something your father would not say for sure. I was very clear that only your father should use his account, but that you are of course allowed to sit next to him and explain stuff to him. But that you are under no circumstances allowed to play on his account, and that it would just result in a longer ban.

This is not my ban, but I clearly told both you and your father that you need to stay away from his account. From the few chat logs I've looked at, it looks like your father's account used the same kind of language in OOC as you. From the short chat I had with your father, I would assume he would not write stuff like "why tf you rdm me?" in OOC, as he seems like a rather polite person that disapproved of your use of curse words. Anyways as I said this is not my ban and someone else has to look at this, but my suggestion is to just wait for the ban out and maybe appeal 3-4 days before it expires.

Collier said:
what I said to him was that rolie's ban could be lifted when his expired. I also brought up the same logs and showed them to him and asked him why he kept playing on rolie's account. I had a chat on TS with him where I told him the only way him and his dad would be getting unbanned early is if he appeals his original ban
I talked to Collier, the below quote is what he said. We both know you used your father's account. You even did it on the day, you, Collier, and I talked on top of the RC roof. The fact that you called @Ellie bad words just proved it as that's something your father would not say for sure. I was very clear that only your father should use his account, but that you are of course allowed to sit next to him and explain stuff to him. But that you are under no circumstances allowed to play on his account, and that it would just result in a longer ban.

This is not my ban, but I clearly told both you and your father that you need to stay away from his account. From the few chat logs I've looked at, it looks like your father's account used the same kind of language in OOC as you. From the short chat I had with your father, I would assume he would not write stuff like "why tf you rdm me?" in OOC, as he seems like a rather polite person that disapproved of your use of curse words. Anyways as I said this is not my ban and someone else has to look at this, but my suggestion is to just wait for the ban out and maybe appeal 3-4 days before it expires.
Rip mate not what i expected / hoped i thought i could tell him things like what he had to say in his mic and tell him what to type i dident know this would count in ban evading too
Besides this ive been online on forum 8 hours a day or even more and you think im here to f#ck around on the server im here because i wanna rp this is just a situation with alot of situations linked at the same time
can an admin come on teamspeak that knows about all of this me and my dad will join tougheter to sort things out

Let's break this down. You were banned on the 30th of September for breaking the rules as Secret Service, this ban only lasted a few days. On the 2nd of October, you were caught playing on rolie26's account by screaming profanity at a community member. Samuel and I spoke to you and the presumed owner of the account and attempted to discourage you from playing.

rolie26 continued to play on the server until on the 3rd of October, another staff member detected the ban evasion attempt and banned you. On Monday, you and I had a conversation about the circumstances of your ban and I questioned you on various things I found relevant to the ban. I also referenced the above logs @Samuel provided. You told me you only typed but never played, I did not believe you, as I told you in our conversation.

I informed you that rolie's ban would be lifted when your ban expired, which was originally supposed to be earlier this week on Thursday. Your ban was extended following an Action Request wherein it was presumed you were playing on rolie's account.

It appears that there is some truth to the statement that there are 2 users of the rolie26 account. Though it is evident that after being told to stop using the account to ban evade by myself and Samuel, you did at some point use it to connect to the server independently from the other account user.

I am sick of dealing with this and I think you're full of it. The above is the almost complete timeline of events leading to this post. There have been other inconsistencies in what you've said and I believe you have continuously attempted to deceive us. Until such time that both accounts can play simultaneously, you and rolie26 will have to share punishments and ban lengths.

Your bans will expire in 5 days. Wait it out.
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