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I noticed a lot of people on the server play CS when not on the server
so i thought it might be a nice idea to post this thread so people can add
each other and maybe get some full teams instead of having that annoying
pickup guy screaming and knifing you in spawn. :)
If you wanna play with us just post steam name and hopefully
people will add and invite each other.
keep it friendly though guys. ;)
(Got any cool clips or demo's? post them here aswell:))
Steam name : kjghgjh
Rank :
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Steam name: Nigel (Main acc is silver smurf :D)
Rank: Master Guardian 1
last 8 games 8 top frags ;)
poke me on the team-speak if you wanna play :)
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Steam name : imsick1337
Rank : Gold nova 3 - Deranked from Master guardian elite...
A fucked up dane
Always up for a game! Hit me up! :)
Steam Name: [PH] Loejseren
Rank: Silver Elite, but ranking up pretty fast.
I'm from Denmark
83 Wins
Steam name: Ethan
Rank: Unranked (Banned for Griefing, fokin Overwatch)
Specializes in: Trolling angry Russians
Steam Name:Creepis
Rank:Unranked, I tend to play as the most utter tryhard you've ever seen and pull off clutches.
Note:Hate's being T, CT 4 lyf, M4A1-S and M4A4 for evah.

ez skins, ez lyf, I fucking love betting, here, have a screenshot to fullfill my bragging rights

Edit: obligatory YouTube video for this following quote
instead of having that annoying
pickup guy screaming and knifing you in spawn.
Fast forward to 16 seconds as it seems to be not automatically doing it here.
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