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Because of so many shotoouts and PLPD lose even with 16 officer on duty, i would just only to rethink using SWAT Shield.
There is to much shootout and no RP, its not even possible to do a OR or a normal patrol without a raid or beeing killed.
A SWAT Shield would help to make it a bit balance.
i know that has been suggested and denied before but during the situtation on the server, i would think to discuss it again.
How i would use The Swat Shield is, to rush or atleast give a chance to get inside a propety without beeing insta black screen.
its always the same, Shooter are with best aids defense in slums 3 and none has a chance to get the person inside, many cops die at the door or mostly get wallbanged and i dont even know anymore what to do, you only can peek and die, flashbang dont really helped that much.
The Swat Shield can help in shootout, at open area like bank raids, i think even with Shield its Hard to get the bank robbers.
A Swat Shield can even help to not just shoot people, TFU Can get close to a suspect and tase him, so people dont just kill them self to aviod arrest and ticket or atleast that could help to tase a new player and give him low sentence, that when he died he dont feels like he want instant rage quit the server.
For everyone who think a SWAT Shield would be OP, you need to keep in mind:
-Sniper can destory the Shield and ez kill him
-The Shield can be destoryed
-Nade or molo the Shield ez win
-Flankers get him from behind ez.
-G3 is way to OP and can frag the whole PD
The SWAT Shield is there to only give a chance not to be undestoryble be OP
i would sugges that the shield can be destoryed, that you need to rearmor and equip it.(ofc you can do it on the swat van)
Rilfe can easier destroy it, mybe the shield has 300-400 HP or something like that(need to be tested)
Pistol has a harder time to destroy it but you still have ez chance to win agains it.
it helps agains Knife, katanna etc.
Mybe give normal officer a "riot" Shield that it has to be in car(or it spawns there) by policy.
It give the officer a very small chance of survival and helps to agains bad pistol and meele weapons.
ofc Rilfe can like instant destroy it, its not mean for shootouts only meele and bad pistol that you dont
just only kill but give a chance that people survived what helps when there no medic on duty.
His is how it would looks like:
Ofc it wont change that much for the server, but it should MYBE help that not just start a shootout and cop bait after to get ez frags,
there need to be something that stop that ez frags and balance it.
these are my thoughts, what do you think about it, rethink the situation on the server.
There is to much shootout and no RP, its not even possible to do a OR or a normal patrol without a raid or beeing killed.
A SWAT Shield would help to make it a bit balance.
i know that has been suggested and denied before but during the situtation on the server, i would think to discuss it again.
How i would use The Swat Shield is, to rush or atleast give a chance to get inside a propety without beeing insta black screen.
its always the same, Shooter are with best aids defense in slums 3 and none has a chance to get the person inside, many cops die at the door or mostly get wallbanged and i dont even know anymore what to do, you only can peek and die, flashbang dont really helped that much.
The Swat Shield can help in shootout, at open area like bank raids, i think even with Shield its Hard to get the bank robbers.
A Swat Shield can even help to not just shoot people, TFU Can get close to a suspect and tase him, so people dont just kill them self to aviod arrest and ticket or atleast that could help to tase a new player and give him low sentence, that when he died he dont feels like he want instant rage quit the server.
For everyone who think a SWAT Shield would be OP, you need to keep in mind:
-Sniper can destory the Shield and ez kill him
-The Shield can be destoryed
-Nade or molo the Shield ez win
-Flankers get him from behind ez.
-G3 is way to OP and can frag the whole PD
The SWAT Shield is there to only give a chance not to be undestoryble be OP
i would sugges that the shield can be destoryed, that you need to rearmor and equip it.(ofc you can do it on the swat van)
Rilfe can easier destroy it, mybe the shield has 300-400 HP or something like that(need to be tested)
Pistol has a harder time to destroy it but you still have ez chance to win agains it.
it helps agains Knife, katanna etc.
Mybe give normal officer a "riot" Shield that it has to be in car(or it spawns there) by policy.
It give the officer a very small chance of survival and helps to agains bad pistol and meele weapons.
ofc Rilfe can like instant destroy it, its not mean for shootouts only meele and bad pistol that you dont
just only kill but give a chance that people survived what helps when there no medic on duty.
His is how it would looks like:
Steam Workshop::Ballistic Shields [Workshop Content]
Ofc it wont change that much for the server, but it should MYBE help that not just start a shootout and cop bait after to get ez frags,
there need to be something that stop that ez frags and balance it.
these are my thoughts, what do you think about it, rethink the situation on the server.