SWAT/Police additions - Suggestion

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My deathbed
Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/swat-police-additions.19644/

Main Idea: There would be a few more items that can be used by the police and SWAT. Maybe also 1 or 2 for civilians.

Full description of the idea: Right, so the suggested items I wish to be added are the tear gas, ballistic shields and also pepper spray. So, I'm going to start of with the tear gas, at the moment, the only throw able item that SWAT hold, is the flash bang, which isn't also the best thing to use in some scenarios, this can be because there is no where to throw it which will help you in the next step, or, because the criminal(s) may be able to hide behind cover to stop the flash bang from affecting them. So what would the tear gas do? The tear gas would essentially be thrown into a room, and would be deployed upon impact, smoke would then come out of the canister (would usually be a greenish colour) blurring the vision of the suspects unless the can find a place to hide from such gas, or run out to the SWAT surrendering, However, if the first option for civilians was added "gas masks" they would be able to continue to stand there ground, I believe that for this item of the gas masks, they would have to be crafted and would be having most genetics pretty high and also relatively high skills such as crafting 8, which is the max. The next item I am going to discuss is the ballistic shields, these would only be accessible by the SWAT and can be chosen at the armoury as a primary weapon meaning your only weapon would be a pistol. This would withstand bullets for a certain time before they are damaged pretty badly and then will start to slowly, give a small amount of damage to the SWATs armour, which the damage will then increase slowly. The SWAT would gain an advantage by having this due to them already being fully armoured. The third addition I wish to be added for both, police and the civilians, is pepper spray, the pepper spray could be used in situations where the baton isn't needed or where a civilian feels threatened, the only damage it would do is visual and would also make your be breathless meaning you couldn't run, you would have to drink a fluid in order to drain it and allow you to once again be able to run. This would also make your vision blurry which would be another affect that people suffer in real life.

Why should they be added?: I believe these additions should be added for a few reasons, one of these reasons is that some of the items would be non vital forms of being protected and acting upon section 2 of the Paralake penal code (2.1 self defence and the defence of others, 2.2 necessity) which would be much better to explain when an officer comes to your door and finds a dead person, rather than a coughing tied person. The other reason I wish for these items is that it will give the police force a bit of a smaller advantage and will also make the police force have to use there noggins a little bit more.

Pros of the tear gas:
- More efficient than the flash bang
- Less deadly, as shots may not need to be shed
- Would be a lot more tactical than running in and getting shot at and possibly killed

Cons of the tear gas:
- May be difficult to code/implement
- Other officers may get the affect of the gas
- May be overkill
- The balance between the police force and criminals will be biased towards the officers possibly

Pros of the ballistic shield:
- More tactical manoeuvers can be made
- Much safer for SWAT and other officers
- Would make SWAT roles better to delegate

Cons of the ballistic shield:
- May not be used
- May be too overpowered
- May be difficult to implement
- May cause un even balance

Pros of the pepper spray:
- Much less lethal
- Easier to act upon section 2 of the penal code

Cons of the pepper spray:
- May be incorrectly used/abused
- May not be used
- May be difficult to code/implement

Cons of all of the above:
- As Excrobite said, SWAT may not be trained in how to use these.





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Here is my opinions:

Tear Gas
I Like the idea of being able to smoke out criminals, however the part about gas masks is pretty damn ridiculous. All it would do is reset the whole raid to standart except officers won't be able to do shit. This would be scenario:

- Criminals have loads of money and buys 10 gas masks (by another high level player) and puts them in storage, while still keeping one on them all the time.
- SWAT comes to raid and throws in gas.
- Criminals puts on gas masks and are fine.
- Gas prevents normal officers from accessing.

The idea about gas is great, though gas masks is a bad idea. It would only limit officers. No criminals.

Ballistic Shield
I Also quite like the idea of a ballistic shield, though I think there should be a slowdown when holding it. A Ballistic shield is kinda heavy so it should definetly have an impact on walking/running speed

Pepper Spray
Why isn't this a thing already? This or the tazer would be ideal to take down suspects that have light weapons like knives, bats or so instead of shooting them. This should definetly be worked on.

These are just my opinions. But think about the gas mask once again. It wouldn't make any sense.
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