Ban Dispute (SamSN)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Brice
Your Roleplay Name: Patrick Bradshaw
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97673850

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I believe i was banned for 3.2 for getting hit by the tram.

Why should this appeal be considered?:

So i ended up getting banned for getting killed by the tram i think?

So i was in a shootout with Joe against people at gas station as you can see at the start of the clip, Our plan was to hide the bodies and get onto the tram, you cant see on the recording but i stopped to check my phone at 1:28. We believed we were getting followed by police so we attempted to get onto the tram, unfortunately we just missed the tram to get to subs. Joe preceded to run onto the tram line to get onto bank roof. I was very cautious by this as I didn't want to go on the tram line, as you can see at 2:00 I stalled and looked for another way to get to bank roof (which there clearly isn't one). I then got onto the track as it was my only possible way to escape. I walked over on the tram line slowly making my way onto bank roof. As soon as I was going to jump I got shot by a police officer from the back of car garage (2:30) Once I was hit my character was crippled and bleeding. After a few seconds of slowly walking with a crippled leg I stopped as the police were at the fence gun pointing me (3:11)(clearly not breaking 3.2 as I was obeying police command). I started to walk back off the track but I was very slow because of the broken leg. Unfortunately I had no idea about the tram quickly approaching behind me and clearly the officer in front didn't either. While attempting to walk off the tram line I was impeded by a police officer trying to bandage me (after I was shot while unarmed) (3:45 is the moment the officer I suppose broke the same rule I did?). As you can see I got trapped by the officer at (2:50). The officer was bandaging me so I could not get past him to save my life. at (2;59) The officer realises the tram was coming which I had no idea until I turned around and by the time I did it was too late. In summery there was no way for me to get off of the tram line without dying. my leg was broken and I was impeded from moving by the officer in front, If I were to of just jumped off which would have killed me was my health was low and it would have broken gun point I believe I chose the best option which unfortunately still led to me dying.

I do not understand why i got in trouble for breaking pretty much the same rule as Joe and the Officer did. The sit was an absolute sham and I had Ellie talking over me and stating smarmy comments which as a moderator she really should not be doing (i took it as though she was trying to start an argument with me mid sit for no reason other than to some what power trip) She pretty much refused to listen to my opinion and my side of the story instead she decided to talk over me and act like her word was more important than mine. When talking to Sam before she got there i was trying my hardest to explain what happened but i was clearly unable to change his mind of the 2 week punishment.

I find the ban was unjust as my last ban was 6 months ago. Even as warn would have been pretty unfair imo. I would like to hear why my ban was necessary, what I did wrong, and what action I could have taken, what rules i broken specifically. I don't believe this ruined anyone's time on the server other than my own. so if this "rule break" didn't bother anyone but the admins I do not see why the 2 week ban was necessary.

Additional Information: nope
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United Kingdom
I banned you for 3.4 as you chose to remain in the middle of a shootout unarmed to give callouts to raiders you were unaffiliated with and showed a bad/uncaring attitude in our report before then calling the reporter sad and closing the report.

This was going to be a 1-week ban but was extended to 2 weeks on request by @Ellie for this incident, which seems to be the part you're appealing.
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I banned you for 3.4 as you chose to remain in the middle of a shootout unarmed to give callouts to raiders you were unaffiliated with and showed a bad/uncaring attitude in our report before then calling the reporter sad and closing the report.

This was going to be a 1-week ban but was extended to 2 weeks on request by @Ellie for this incident, which seems to be the part you're appealI
I got a 2 week ban for sitting around in a shoot out which happens pretty much every shootout that happens on the server.
And if me saying it was a ridiculous reason to call an f6 is a ban offense then that is ridiculous. I closed the f6 because it was clear i was getting the warn and thought it was over.

and you have extended the 1 week ban which i should not have gotten to a 2 week ban which i also should not have gotten.
and make your mind up was it a ban for talking in f6, a ban for sitting around watching the shootout or for getting killed by the tram.
This whole f6 infection on the server makes it so you cant risk making a mistake or you face typing in f6 for 20 minutes then getting banned for 2 weeks.
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Berlin, Germany

@Hayden @Acerius @Mina
After some discussion, we have come to the conclusion that, in any case, lurking around a gunfight and approaching the shootout at Bank whilst unarmed is a violation of 3.4. The fact that you tried to get there on the monorail tracks, which ultimately led to your death just served to make matters worse. Even if you hadn't been shot and the monorail hadn't hit you, you would've ended up in the bank shootout without a gun and still broken 3.4.

Ultimately, you caused your own death by placing yourself in a gunfight with no means of defending yourself and putting yourself in a position where you could be hit by the monorail.

It is also worth noting, that you may not use the monorail to escape whilst being pursued by Police which you intended on doing as mentioned in your dispute.
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