Server Suggestion Fun Crime

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Suggestion Title: Fun Crime
Suggestion Description: - Criminals should not have to fear for their life if cops are saying hands up at gunpoint and the person who is the criminal hasn't provoked any deadly force

- Police should also not pit until authorized by highest on and when pitting do it safely and ACTUALLY PIT instead of ram into the car playing bumper cars.

- Also add the ability to wear masks or make cops acknowledge the existence of gloves so that if a criminal like myself stabs two people with a machete and disposes of the murder weapon, finishes the victim off so no snitching happens and is wearing gloves so no DNA is collected because I was never bleeding or injured on scene then I shouldn't get DNA reported if I never touched anything physically or had any bodily fluid on scene. Let's say I do get hurt why not make it (as I saw another individual suggest) add bleach to clean that blood instead of leave it there and have to use molotov.

- Masks so that if cops see an individual again without one they can identify him from a face and outfit.

- Allow criminals to have hostages during bank robberies so that cops don't just come expecting a shootout all the time and can have fun chases sometimes. Times where cops won't accept demands is if crims demand cops leave which can't happen. One good way is to have crims ask for free passage and no spikes then when they're out in their car they get chased and PROPERLY pit. This means if crims want to have the old school shootout we all miss and love they can have their buddies on teamspeak or org chat camp at barn for example and drive there then cops are ambushed from all angles and it makes it more fun for them so it's far more tactical. Criminals would only have a few on their team while cops come in waves so this would only issue a long-term shootout which would be extremely fun for everyone.

- Add in a Jennifers jewelry robbery so that jewels can be took and robbed instead of pointless burglar alarms going off at jennifers all the time.

Why should this be added?:
- Longer roleplay scenes that don't end in under 5 minutes
- Better Chases
- More Investigations with concrete proof
- More Thorough and tactical plays being done to escape cops and evade cops by players who clear their traces.

What negatives could this have?:
- People will find it hard adapting to BETTER roleplay and LONGER scenes but if they come here for SERIOUS roleplay they must accept that and want that so by wanting that we must stop "pitting" which is in reality ramming people to walls and shooting cars without deadly force necessary. I already made an IA on this but cops do this too much that it turns into RDM at this point when you have cops shooting unarmed harmless civilians claiming "we're shooting tires" or ramming people into walls and claiming "that's a pit maneuver" or aiming guns at unarmed civilians whom they have NO reason to kill and the citizens know legally the cops can't shoot so if they do get shot realistically that's a lawsuit so no cop would shoot and if a civ runs that's better for roleplay so they can attempt to escape and tazers are deployed.
I really like some of your suggestions but I dont think they adapt to the gamemode. You clearly got some inspiration from FiveM roleplay servers and I just think they are 2 different games
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I like some of your suggestions but I dont think they adapt to the gamemode. You clearly got some inspiration from FiveM roleplay servers and I just think they are 2 different games
after watching FiveM I too had some of his ideas regarding hostages and police demands, because personally I don't see the fun in just playing to win 24/7 in bank robberies and such, but I guess this is what perp is and well I still enjoy it.
go back to dark rp
this is perp nothing is ment to be fun 3.4 or else

But good idea tbh <3
Everybody thinks it's a good idea but they're unsure if it would work with the gamemode so far. It looks like if staff see this as a possible thing they could test it could massively improve cop duty as right now the police depertment is desperate for a lack of better term for activity. This can make cop vs crim more interesting and give it longevity and mystery.
Seems like this should be multiple different suggestions, since you're suggesting rule, Policy, and gameplay changes all at once.
go back to dark rp
this is perp nothing is ment to be fun 3.4 or else

But good idea tbh <3
One incorrect statement you made is "go back to dark rp" Perphead is by definition heavily modified dark rp habibi, the nature is serious rp so having cops play bumper cars with you as soon as the chase starts or spraying your car down and saying "oh we're shooting tires" especially when you haven't posed NO lethal threat whatsoever is genuinely absurd and takes all the fun out of police chases and just hands down spoon feeds the people from both sides of the law who only want to make everything a team deathmatch.
Seems like this should be multiple different suggestions, since you're suggesting rule, Policy, and gameplay changes all at once.
I know that however everything in the suggestion can affect the overall server. IF a developer looks at this and considers it that would be wonderful, grasp some community opinion on it or make a poll and see what they think. I'm sure most would come to realize how silently desired some if not all the features that were listed may be.
after watching FiveM I too had some of his ideas regarding hostages and police demands, because personally I don't see the fun in just playing to win 24/7 in bank robberies and such, but I guess this is what perp is and well I still enjoy it.
Shockingly enough I have already DONE a "just for roleplay bank robbery" where I didn't actually steal anything. I setup my car outside and got my buddy who was the getaway driver to go inside and /me stealing the money not actually take anything. Then after my hostage who was ziptied but never mugged or robbed was held at gunpoint I called 911 and pretended that a local civilian had reported a robbery. I used code names for myself and partner in crime then cops arrived fast and we negotiated no spikes and free passage. After one cop followed outside while the rest stayed on the parameter so that the one cop can make sure hostage is safe. We walked outside, got in our car with guns still "aimed from the car" and then drove off then a chase started. The chase took us all around subs to bizarre than back and my partner got caught but when they attempted to catch me I got into a suppressive fire shootout where I scared some patrol back and escaped via foot chase while officers ducked and called for backup. Honestly some of the best roleplay I've seen on the server if not THE best scene. The shooting was minimal and in fact nobody ever died from us shooting them we only were playing cat and mouse while tactically pulling drifts and stunts to juke cops and they enjoyed it.
Shockingly enough I have already DONE a "just for roleplay bank robbery" where I didn't actually steal anything. I setup my car outside and got my buddy who was the getaway driver to go inside and /me stealing the money not actually take anything. Then after my hostage who was ziptied but never mugged or robbed was held at gunpoint I called 911 and pretended that a local civilian had reported a robbery. I used code names for myself and partner in crime then cops arrived fast and we negotiated no spikes and free passage. After one cop followed outside while the rest stayed on the parameter so that the one cop can make sure hostage is safe. We walked outside, got in our car with guns still "aimed from the car" and then drove off then a chase started. The chase took us all around subs to bizarre than back and my partner got caught but when they attempted to catch me I got into a suppressive fire shootout where I scared some patrol back and escaped via foot chase while officers ducked and called for backup. Honestly some of the best roleplay I've seen on the server if not THE best scene. The shooting was minimal and in fact nobody ever died from us shooting them we only were playing cat and mouse while tactically pulling drifts and stunts to juke cops and they enjoyed it.
damn I wouldn't have thought that this was possible, good job it sounds like everybody involved had fun.
I feel like we would've been able to have more fun situations regarding the bank if its wasn't such a risk, you get tons of people and tons of guns that you can lose so obviously people will just fight to get out of there, and they don't want to risk having a hostage and then getting sniped by tfu (because there were tons of hostage situations where a sniper killed the hostage and that was the end of it)
It’s a lot of not well thought out ideas which I have seen before in more details in dedicated suggestion posts. If they have been denied these need to be more concrete yet this is a “add glove” feature without actually adding in how it would work how it would be balanced.
I’ll leave this open for discussion but this is not well constructed in its pro’s con’s or even balancing so I’d advice adding on to each features ideas
Hey, I will quickly summarize why some of these ideas have cons, and why they might not be implemented:

1. Criminals do not have to fear for their life, simply comply. If it is, for example, a scene of a shootout and you run from a cop that is gunpointing you, you are a threat at which point he can shoot you, as per use of force policy.

2. This is already covered in handbook policies.

3. While it would be realistic, you can use the search function on why masks and gloves were denied previously.

4. I've made a post about bank robbery hostages here:

5. Jennifers jewelry robbery could be nice, but you really need to think of an idea for it to be implemented. Is there any cooldown? Do you just break the glass? Can you escape seconds after breaking the glass? Will you be warranted immediately? Does the jewelry replenish and how fast? Will those who robbed jennifers be able to shoot at police, considering the police might use deadly force reasonably?
since a lot of cops have a superiority complex where they crave a win over someone you might struggle with this suggestion
Hey, I will quickly summarize why some of these ideas have cons, and why they might not be implemented:

1. Criminals do not have to fear for their life, simply comply. If it is, for example, a scene of a shootout and you run from a cop that is gunpointing you, you are a threat at which point he can shoot you, as per use of force policy.

2. This is already covered in handbook policies.

3. While it would be realistic, you can use the search function on why masks and gloves were denied previously.

4. I've made a post about bank robbery hostages here:

5. Jennifers jewelry robbery could be nice, but you really need to think of an idea for it to be implemented. Is there any cooldown? Do you just break the glass? Can you escape seconds after breaking the glass? Will you be warranted immediately? Does the jewelry replenish and how fast? Will those who robbed jennifers be able to shoot at police, considering the police might use deadly force reasonably?
1)Interesting to hear but I also see an issue where I was gun pointed at a simple traffic stop and by 3.4 I have to put my hands up. This is powergaming because my goal wasn't to hurt anybody, In fact I was unarmed! I tried to turn my engine on and flee but the cop INSTANTLY batter rammed me out of a moving vehicle. I struggled then got back in and then REVERSED where no cops were but I proceeded to get shot still and told to put my hands up. Of course I was caught but to me simply making this a "IA issue" as many would say doesn't seem fair to the criminals. We want good chases and to be fully fair with you and everybody reading the PD was so active at this time that getting a win as the cops craved for would not have been an issue at all. But batter ram spamming and gun pointing a guy who even reversed then cops standing in front of moving vehicles to have the excuse of saying "oh well you were gonna run me over" is counter-intuitive to 3.4. 2.1 Tell us play realistically. I promise I had no intentions of anything except good roleplay so when you have cops shooting a guy's car JUST FOR FLEEING and gun pointing him when he's clearly unarmed then crying 3.4 like why even call the server a serious roleplay server anymore if cops are not there to extend roleplay they are there to win? If we want to be realistic we can but that shouldn't mean the scene is ALWAYS over if a criminal is UNARMED and has not harmed anyone or even threatened anybody but his car is still shot to shit when he attempts to flee. That is a product of trigger happy cops who do not like when a person wants more roleplay and are the poison that cause scenes to last 1 minute that could have lasted 10 minutes. I see it from both sides because I am a senior officer my self.

2) I would greatly appreciate a summary of how it works since I don't exactly know which part you're referring to.

3)A craftable item using paper towels (or cloth if cloth was to be added) and a one time tapestry and glue (if glue was to be added) is what I would assume works, Ideally cloth should be added as an item and obtained from a general store. A person has to have the levels to craft it and when crafted the mask or gloves can be worn and taken off by police or people if a person is ziptied or cuffed. When a criminal wears a glove and he kills a player his DNA is not found on the body however he is still stained with gunshot residue making him a prime suspect if found with it. Criminals with this who are caught can be charged with the crime if decided guilty by cops per scene but criminals can attempt to escape and wash it through a 15+ second long loading screen of "washing gun shot residue". Guns can also have serial numbers whenever they are created that we can see in the description of the gun or it can say if the gun was shot recently. Further more to give investigation roleplay to the cops I believe it is at your discretion what is the best way to do this but if the cops go back to where they believe shots were fired they can collect bullet casings and have a swep that tells them if that gun fired at this location. Gloves or no gloves if that gun is found on the person they are convicted. The glove mechanic forces cops to at least DO that effort and prove that they can roleplay instead of gunpoint crims and ruleplay 3.4 then slap crims with a murder charge because they magically get DNA. When a player is killed instead it tells the cop "A Local described the shooter as (insert mild description) who used a (insert gun)". Then cops are on a hunt for a guy matching description with that gun or a gun shot residue positive.

The Pros of this is opening doors to investigating roleplay, criminals can actually get away with murder without having to shoot all the time and don't get an instant warrant.

4) I disagree with your reply, the developer is absolutely right except on one point. I see both of you have great perspectives but the missing piece here is what's allowed and not allowed. This is a fault of both sides for chasing wins and using the power given to them and if I was to suggest a way to fix it is a PROPER bank robbery means criminals can demand 2 things per hostage.

A few allowed demands I would suggest:
No Spikes (Cops may spike when the hostage is safe but not setup spikes while crims leave instead during the 10-80 as this risks the crims realizing and shooting the hostage)
Free Passage (Allow ALL criminals involved to enter their vehicle, not just a few. Also this means no shooting tires as they leave but you may if you get the chance while they are fleeing and pose a lethal threat.)
No Road blocks (Don't setup a road block while criminals exiting or have possession of the hostage)

Any demands that seem outrageous to cops which would make the situation too easy can be compromised half and half until negotiations come to an agreement. Then the rule can be built upon seeing how people try and bring up absurd demands and forbidding or allowing seeing as a community we want both sides to have fun. Police will always chase after the hostage is safe and it is up to the criminals to escape before they are PROPERLY pit or boxed. Not having their tires shot when they have no guns out at the time or haven't shot any officers or any person.

5) Criminals must obtain a hammer and a duffel bag optionally to indicate to cops who may have the stolen goods and make it more 2.1 realistic. Also the player with the jewels has a encumbered effect where his stamina is lowered and he moves a percentage slower. (which can be bought at the general store possibly ordered online or crafted with cloth and glue and tapestry with nails at a crafting bench and is displayed on a player's back when worn which allows that player to hold the jewels) to able to break open the register and the cases. A limit of 4 criminals is allowed in this robbery and one must have a firearm on them who talks to the cashier. When the robbery is initiated criminals may NOT leave the building until cops have arrived unless cops take above 10 minutes to respond. When cops arrive, criminals may shoot at any point so cops must negotiate with the criminal who stands at the front door carefully. Assuming lives are in danger, criminals lets say have a hostage at this point. It would take 15 seconds each to grab out of each casing and each casing would be worth from $1000-$2500 as it would give diamonds or gold or silver. Each diamond is worth $1000$ but has a 20% chance drop, Each Gold is worth $500 but has a 50% chance drop and Silver is 100% chance to drop but is worth 250$. A mix of these can work together to give the criminals their payout. Once the heist is over a cool down is started for another hour and the criminals may make demands and escape in their vehicle or shoot out with the cops if they wish to 4v THE WHOLE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Outside help counts towards the 4 player limit and if exceeded the criminals would break this rule and omit the wins as they have power gamed over the limit set to make the situation fair for police since criminals get all day to plan this heist out while cops don't know what they're getting themselves into. The Stolen Jewelry will be worth a percentage of how much it is worth if the criminals who were going to sell it had the jewels confiscated . This means a high risk high reward for criminals and a worth it pay out for all officers on duty making for MORE cops to be on duty awaiting just somebody to be ballsy enough to do this robbery. Cops may share the demand list between ANY heist whether that be bank or jennifers so they remain the same and allow criminals to get free passage and whatever else they would REASONABLY request which wouldn't give them an overpowered advantage or set them at an absolute guaranteed loss. Again, for the purpose of giving BOTH sides a fun scenario.

@Jenga I agree that is 110% the case for many cops. This is why speaking to the staff listening could be a huge benefit because I honestly promise nothing but an attempt at good roleplay and I wish to allow many more to do this instead of being forbidden from doing it and getting punished for it then allowing cops to powerfully earn a victory each time. I understand cops are always hard to win against however that should never mean cops win too easily everytime and crims have to shoot to ever win. It's not fun to make a "serious roleplay server" a team deathmatch community 9/10 times if a criminal wanted to escape. There is a balance and it can be achieved I believe strongly and I know strongly but it should be acknowledged first and that's the first step. Like mainly how cops shouldn't yell out 3.4 if a criminal who has no gun out and hasn't been seen killing or hasn't been known to have killed anybody is fleeing after you ordered hands up because realistically our own policies forbid us from shooting criminals or using lethal force like running somebody over who is ONLY fleeing and hasn't prompted lethal force. It's honestly absurd that you can see videos on the front page of cops just running a fleeing criminal with no gun out over that you clearly see this isn't a rare occurence it's an everyday thing and it's actually disgusting. Criminals want to have fun too so please I want my polce department to stop chasing Ws and then Rulesplaining 3.4 when they have no legal reason to even open fire or shoot. We have tazers, batons, spikes, road blocks, box manuevers, pit manuevers, fast cars and 10+ guys on a day. We are powerful, but we shouldn't be impossible to win against unless a criminal shoots.
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damn I wouldn't have thought that this was possible, good job it sounds like everybody involved had fun.
I feel like we would've been able to have more fun situations regarding the bank if its wasn't such a risk, you get tons of people and tons of guns that you can lose so obviously people will just fight to get out of there, and they don't want to risk having a hostage and then getting sniped by tfu (because there were tons of hostage situations where a sniper killed the hostage and that was the end of it)
Thank you, I even pulled of a fully roleplayed investigation on a simple shooting. Me and other cops arrive on a scene where a unknown car is parked in the driveway of a house owner who just opened fire on it because he heard shots being fired at his front door at suburbs. My fellow officers thought "hey you house owner, you have no reason to shoot so u arrest". Instead I took over as a senior officer and investigated. I took the accused shooter to the side and left the home owner with the other officers for questioning. When questioning the accused suspect I asked "Do you have any guns on you, We will search you so please admit now" he admits to having a gun. I take it, /me checks how many rounds are in the chamber and feels if the gun is warm. Suspect roleplays and says /desc "Gun is warm and 6 rounds in chamber" he even OOC laughs saying "I reloaded it". I roleplay it and say "well gun is warm so we know you shot" and then I walk over to the door to investigate the type of gun. I observe 4 holes in the wooden door. each close but somewhat separate. I ask the home owner "What class firearm was the gun, was it automatic or semi and how did it sound like" He told me it didn't sound like a normal regular pistol and it sounded semi-automatic or single fire. Then I realized we have our criminal, the suspect with the revolver who has a warm firearm shot at the front door 4 times with a revolver which isn't the common sound a pistol would be heard sounding like around the server as most use HKs or such. Boom, case cracked. Now the law found him guilty after me and everybody discussed that he was guilty of a 6.7 for a 9.2 as he attempted or planned to physically assault the home owner when we all had fun roleplaying I could've charged him with a 6.7 for a 9.5 but the 9.2 seemed appropriate as the investigation took up 10-15 minutes anyway but everybody had fun and it was good RP.


"Interesting to hear but I also see an issue where I was gun pointed at a simple traffic stop"

If this did occur as you say and there was no other factors, it is a case of the officer breaking use of force policy. Officers who don't box you in on a parking spot (if they are smart) will tend to surround your vehicle and stand near it to deter you from escaping, as they may shoot you if you do harm by bumping them and causing harm on your way out (if you have a supercar, those who are just behind it would get flattened). At this point it is your fault, if you want to evade, don't pull over first and get boxed.

There's mechanics to prevent ramming someone out of a high speed vehicle.

(assuming it previously follows policy) Cops standing in front of your car as you reverse is justifiable, the moment you would try to accelerate forward, they may shoot you (especially if there is a lot of them), and if they can maintain their position directly pointing a gun at you at the front of your car for that long by simply jogging, then you accelerating forward would be an infringement of 3.4 and you need a better car.


"Interesting to hear but I also see an issue where I was gun pointed at a simple traffic stop"

If this did occur as you say and there was no other factors, it is a case of the officer breaking use of force policy. Officers who don't box you in on a parking spot (if they are smart) will tend to surround your vehicle and stand near it to deter you from escaping, as they may shoot you if you do harm by bumping them and causing harm on your way out (if you have a supercar, those who are just behind it would get flattened). At this point it is your fault, if you want to evade, don't pull over first and get boxed.

There's mechanics to prevent ramming someone out of a high speed vehicle.

(assuming it previously follows policy) Cops standing in front of your car as you reverse is justifiable, the moment you would try to accelerate forward, they may shoot you (especially if there is a lot of them), and if they can maintain their position directly pointing a gun at you at the front of your car for that long by simply jogging, then you accelerating forward would be an infringement of 3.4 and you need a better car.
Reversing or not reversing.
If a cop is allowed to stand in front of a active vehicle that's his life in danger whether it reverses or accelerates. When they chase Ws and do things like this where they gunpoint you and batter ram spam you out of cars for a simple traffic stop it's absurd. I didn't do any serious crime as you mentioned yet still got treated like El Chapo with my car getting shot to bits after I get back inside and reverse. Then my friend came to help and look how they did him. I tried to explain to the CORPORAL how his use of force is invalid and how he broke 3.4 but he kept lecturing me on the way back denying everything and I was actually furious about how stuck-up and Win-chasing some of these cops (especially higher ups) are to do stuff like this. Acer was there but if I tried to explain to him he just told them to process me and I get banned because the cops chose to abuse their use of force and pull deadly weapons on a unarmed man reversing and shoot his car and forcefully drag him out then he runs away. I ran away cause cops CAN only shoot when a deadly force is present, no where did I intend on accelerating into an officer and nowhere did I purposefully do it or pull any weapons yet shots were still fired which I fail to comprehend how that's kicked under the rug as just a "violation of use of force" and not an actual punishable power game by the cop who was chasing w who kept standing in front of every moving car and his colleagues who also batter ram spammed and opened fire while I reversed.
Let me break it in few parts
Reversing or not reversing.
If a cop is allowed to stand in front of a active vehicle that's his life in danger whether it reverses or accelerates. When they chase Ws and do things like this where they gunpoint you and batter ram spam you out of cars for a simple traffic stop it's absurd.
Then why you tried to ran away over simple traffic stop?
I didn't do any serious crime as you mentioned yet still got treated like El Chapo with my car getting shot to bits after I get back inside and reverse.
Becouse you tried to ran away and hit officer in a process wich is 9.2 Physical assoult with offensive weapon (car can be included as a weapon) and even when u saw being gunpointed you decide to run around that propably got you banned.
Then my friend came to help and look how they did him. I tried to explain to the CORPORAL how his use of force is invalid and how he broke 3.4 but he kept lecturing me on the way back denying everything and I was actually furious about how stuck-up and Win-chasing some of these cops (especially higher ups) are to do stuff like this. Acer was there but if I tried to explain to him he just told them to process me and I get banned because the cops chose to abuse their use of force and pull deadly weapons on a unarmed man reversing and shoot his car.
They fired at mini cooper (mostly aimed at tires) becouse your friend tried to help you escape so they disabled a vehicle.

To the "idea and suggestion"
Suggestion Title: Fun Crime
Suggestion Description: - Criminals should not have to fear for their life if cops are saying hands up at gunpoint and the person who is the criminal hasn't provoked any deadly force

- Police should also not pit until authorized by highest on and when pitting do it safely and ACTUALLY PIT instead of ram into the car playing bumper cars.
PIT is mostly done when there is no incoming car and its safe for officer and surrouding to do so, otherwise police chases would last to hours.
- Also add the ability to wear masks or make cops acknowledge the existence of gloves so that if a criminal like myself stabs two people with a machete and disposes of the murder weapon, finishes the victim off so no snitching happens and is wearing gloves so no DNA is collected because I was never bleeding or injured on scene then I shouldn't get DNA reported if I never touched anything physically or had any bodily fluid on scene. Let's say I do get hurt why not make it (as I saw another individual suggest) add bleach to clean that blood instead of leave it there and have to use molotov.
Adding bleach/acid as new way to remove DNA is good idea but masks are unnececery.
- Allow criminals to have hostages during bank robberies so that cops don't just come expecting a shootout all the time and can have fun chases sometimes. Times where cops won't accept demands is if crims demand cops leave which can't happen. One good way is to have crims ask for free passage and no spikes then when they're out in their car they get chased and PROPERLY pit. This means if crims want to have the old school shootout we all miss and love they can have their buddies on teamspeak or org chat camp at barn for example and drive there then cops are ambushed from all angles and it makes it more fun for them so it's far more tactical. Criminals would only have a few on their team while cops come in waves so this would only issue a long-term shootout which would be extremely fun for everyone.
Hostages are huge risk on getting KIA (Killed in Action) most of bank robberys are easy to win with officers if you have org with 5+ active and heavy armed members with also good comunication. Not even going to tell about team orgs that can flank.
- Add in a Jennifers jewelry robbery so that jewels can be took and robbed instead of pointless burglar alarms going off at jennifers all the time.
Its been already disccused and it will be overused.

IMO I have a feeling that you want thoose changes becouse something didn't went your way. Making something that can make then ignore most important rule in roleplay is idiotic. People could just ignore treath of being shot for unececery chases or shootouts.
Then why you tried to ran away over simple traffic stop?
The bigger picture is if a criminal wants to avoid being fined he can choose to escape police. I also would assume for other officers it would be also fun like I feel to engage in high speed chases so all more to the roleplay aspect if my tires weren't shot in the first 2 seconds and guns weren't pointed.

Becouse you tried to ran away and hit officer in a process wich is 9.2 Physical assoult with offensive weapon (car can be included as a weapon) and even when u saw being gunpointed you decide to run around that propably got you banned.
You can clearly see in the video I BACKED UP where no officers were and still got shot so your 9.2 is straight up a lie. The car only goes forward after being disabled due to drifting which isn't my fault. Plus when officers said "put your hands up" thats typical police lingo. I don't expect you to always have a gun out when you say this I personally say this without a gun out too, My focus wasn't looking at officers it was fighting and struggling against officers batter ram spamming and thirsting for a cuff it was escaping and giving officers a chase while I'm at it but nah they'd rather gunpoint and "shoot tires" which means "hey lets magdump this guy cause he want's to flee from me and if he tries to flee and he's unarmed I'll pull 3.4 out of my ass to throw at him because I know if I gunpoint him I can't shoot him per police by for whatever reason he still has to fear and if he gets in his car I'll spam batter ram to powerfully instantly drag him out then if he gets back in I'll stand in front of his car to have an excuse to shoot him, GREAT!".
PIT is mostly done when there is no incoming car and its safe for officer and surrouding to do so, otherwise police chases would last to hours.
Yet police always claim to do it when really all they are doing is ramming the side of the car or whole back into a wall disabling the car fully instead of spinning it out which is actually easily done if they were trained to do so and not made to believe a pit manuever is just accelerate at max speed towards the suspect's car without higher up authority in the first 2 minutes of a chase. There's a big difference here and if it's coming from a person like me who is an officer and a crim it means it's more likely than not true because I can't try and be biased towards one side if I just want to see both sides have fun to be honest and I promise that's literally the point, Most of my playtime is spent on police anyway and I get on crim to give cops good chases when I know good cops are on. Exhibit A, The Bank Robbery I mentioned earlier where cops didn't just RAM RAM RAM SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT GUN POINT GUN POINT 3.4 and it was a way worse crime than a simple traffic violation.
Adding bleach/acid as new way to remove DNA is good idea but masks are unnececery.
I disagree, Magically acquiring the EXACT identity of the criminal behind the shooting without even doing any investigation RP is lazy and prompts every officer to just throw up a warrant 9/10 times. Sure one can have a molotov on hand but to please 2.1 realistically the fact cops have this superpower to tell exactly who murdered a person just by this magical toolgun not only cuts down on roleplay but makes it nearly impossible to be a criminal if you don't have the firepower or connections to get molotovs whenever you want or enough AKs to spare to wipe out PD. You kill one guy then a warrant is out for your arrest whether you like it or not, literally absurd.

Hostages are huge risk on getting KIA (Killed in Action) most of bank robberys are easy to win with officers if you have org with 5+ active and heavy armed members with also good comunication. Not even going to tell about team orgs that can flank.
I agree in the scenario you gave it would definitely be too easy. What I said though is that cops still will always outnumber the criminals, it should be easy if you have 5+ active org members but if a new rule came to prohibit anybody from being able to join or assist in every way possible with a max limit of 4 criminals per robbery of hypothetical jennifers and actual bank then it would balance it marking down 4 criminals against 10 cops. 4v10 Does not sound like too bad of an idea and even then that's a underestimate of how many cops are on somedays. Criminals should roleplay a bank robbery, not shoot out at a bank robbery 24/7. This is a roleplayable scene that isn't being roleplayed the only thing going on ever anymore at bank robberies now is just a org calling for a wagered team deathmatch with the police department. In fact it is stupidly absurd by our understanding too that the minimum amount of cops needed for a bank is 3 but lets say only 3 patrol division officers are on and a org of 5+ with good communication starts it. Is it too easy then? exactly, that's why it's better to make it so banks happen once in a while when a minimum of 8 cops are on so that at least police have double the numbers and criminals are forced to use special tactics like hostage negotiation and getaway driving with a limit of 4 per job.
Its been already disccused and it will be overused.
I actually deeply explained how this robbery would work and how masks aren't pointless. Please refer to my most recent reply to @money and read if you'd like and give me some feedback and throw some ideas. A developer like @Dank don't seem opposed to it.

IMO I have a feeling that you want thoose changes becouse something didn't went your way. Making something that can make then ignore most important rule in roleplay is idiotic. People could just ignore treath of being shot for unececery chases or shootouts.
I don't understand how suggesting realistic features that coherently work with 2.1 and add roleplay where roleplay is neglected has anything to do with personal gain other than wanting more things to roleplay in a serious roleplay community. The robberies, the investigations, the ability to start chases and avoid fines (which for the record is not unnecessary. Nobody wants to be fined or arrested if they are guilty but if they're unarmed and aren't a threat then cops should not be allowed to powerfully use 3.4 whenever they please on any person fleeing. A person fleeing who is harmless doesn't need to be scared of a treath by a cop who by policy can't shoot you if you have not been a danger to the public or are not a threat. That is not my words or something that benefits me, that's POLICY. To argue that it is not and to try and flag it as 3.4 is arrogant because that neglects so many 10-80s/high speed chases that could be extremely fun and very eventful. It also disqualifies the point behind any tazers because why not just gunpoint then and ruleplay 3.4 instead for attempting to flee? Let's "shoot tires" by everybody mag dumping every last round in our magazines into their car and then gun pointing the unarmed suspect instead of utilizing our tazers or numbers or cars or feet or cuffs or batons. Call me idiotic or self-centered but as a person who's both a crim and a cop I want both sides to have fun, still Pd should be hard to win against but with a pd hard to win against that only wants to win. Now you see why there's a horrific decline of notorious organizations and people who want to be crim. People hate the PD for this and I'm speaking on our behalf and the behalf of every criminal I know and my self.
The bigger picture is if a criminal wants to avoid being fined he can choose to escape police. I also would assume for other officers it would be also fun like I feel to engage in high speed chases so all more to the roleplay aspect if my tires weren't shot in the first 2 seconds and guns weren't pointed.
Its risking life of freedom over a ticket (3.4) no one want to "have fun Chase" Becouse Over max 3.5-4k ticket people are running away. Overall most chases ends after 5-15minutes and there there is 2-5 minutes of jailing suspect so you waste 7-20 minutes with one person becouse they did not wanted a ticket, in the meantime there can be raid hostage situation or bank robbery but you have to play hide and seek with one person over a stupid ticket.
You can clearly see in the video I BACKED UP where no officers were and still got shot so your 9.2 is straight up a lie. The car only goes forward after being disabled due to drifting which isn't my fault.
You escaleted it tho, by backing up u showed that you are trying to run away for no reson other than "have fun chase" And not pay a ticket rather than that it landed you in jail. Did you had any other resons to run? If so why did you stopped at first place?
Plus when officers said "put your hands up" thats typical police lingo. I don't expect you to always have a gun out when you say this I personally say this without a gun out too,
On video it is clear they gp you. Even if not and you don't see the gun you need to belive it since as written you don't see it and you are not 100% sure if they gp you or not. If you are gp someone without a gun its you but officers WILL gunpoint you with a firearm or taser.
My focus wasn't looking at officers it was fighting and struggling against officers batter ram spamming and thirsting for a cuff it was escaping and giving officers a chase
Still over a ticket from my belief so that was no reson to do so.
If you feel that officer overused thier powers make IA.
while I'm at it but nah they'd rather gunpoint and "shoot tires" which means "hey lets magdump this guy cause he want's to flee from me and if he tries to flee and he's unarmed I'll pull 3.4 out of my ass to throw at him because I know if I gunpoint him I can't shoot him per police by for whatever reason he still has to fear and if he gets in his car I'll spam batter ram to powerfully instantly drag him out then if he gets back in I'll stand in front of his car to have an excuse to shoot him, GREAT!".
I mean what else we are have to do? Watch you escape? Shooting at tires are best for faster vehicles with higher acceleration after starting the engine. Imo officer shooted at tires becouse you already tried go back to your vehicle ealier (1st clip)
Yet police always claim to do it when really all they are doing is ramming the side of the car or whole back into a wall disabling the car fully instead of spinning it out which is actually easily done if they were trained to do so and not made to believe a pit manuever is just accelerate at max speed towards the suspect's car without higher up authority in the first 2 minutes of a chase. There's a big difference here and if it's coming from a person like me who is an officer and a crim it means it's more likely than not true because I can't try and be biased towards one side if I just want to see both sides have fun to be honest and I promise that's literally the point, Most of my playtime is spent on police anyway and I get on crim to give cops good chases when I know good cops are on. Exhibit A, The Bank Robbery I mentioned earlier where cops didn't just RAM RAM RAM SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT GUN POINT GUN POINT 3.4 and it was a way worse crime than a simple traffic violation.
I have never been pited as you describe or pitted anyone like that nor even seen that someone was just being rammed rather than pitted.
I disagree, Magically acquiring the EXACT identity of the criminal behind the shooting without even doing any investigation RP is lazy and prompts every officer to just throw up a warrant 9/10 times. Sure one can have a molotov on hand but to please 2.1 realistically the fact cops have this superpower to tell exactly who murdered a person just by this magical toolgun not only cuts down on roleplay but makes it nearly impossible to be a criminal if you don't have the firepower or connections to get molotovs whenever you want or enough AKs to spare to wipe out PD. You kill one guy then a warrant is out for your arrest whether you like it or not, literally absurd.
Yes we have a "magic tool" Called DNA Scanner but it only applies officer with high rank or with a medic without them we litearlly cannot take DNA therefor there is no point of mask since you can always change clothing or name.
I agree in the scenario you gave it would definitely be too easy. What I said though is that cops still will always outnumber the criminals, it should be easy if you have 5+ active org members but if a new rule came to prohibit anybody from being able to join or assist in every way possible with a max limit of 4 criminals per robbery of hypothetical jennifers and actual bank then it would balance it marking down 4 criminals against 10 cops. 4v10 Does not sound like too bad of an idea and even then that's a underestimate of how many cops are on somedays. Criminals should roleplay a bank robbery, not shoot out at a bank robbery 24/7. This is a roleplayable scene that isn't being roleplayed the only thing going on ever anymore at bank robberies now is just a org calling for a wagered team deathmatch with the police department. In fact it is stupidly absurd by our understanding too that the minimum amount of cops needed for a bank is 3 but lets say only 3 patrol division officers are on and a org of 5+ with good communication starts it. Is it too easy then? exactly, that's why it's better to make it so banks happen once in a while when a minimum of 8 cops are on so that at least police have double the numbers and criminals are forced to use special tactics like hostage negotiation and getaway driving with a limit of 4 per job.
I still see no point of doing all this. (Smart) Criminals don't just go to bank and try to rob it they have plans where to escape to wich vehicle where to hide in bank etc.
I don't understand how suggesting realistic features that coherently work with 2.1 and add roleplay where roleplay is neglected has anything to do with personal gain other than wanting more things to roleplay in a serious roleplay community. The robberies, the investigations, the ability to start chases and avoid fines (which for the record is not unnecessary. Nobody wants to be fined or arrested if they are guilty but if they're unarmed and aren't a threat then cops should not be allowed to powerfully use 3.4 whenever they please on any person fleeing.
Then why did they brake laws? There for no ticket would be given, its absurd to letting people pass rule 3.4 for some crappy chases and its not a fun roleplay for both sides only for Criminal becouse he is above server rule.
A person fleeing who is harmless doesn't need to be scared of a treath by a cop who by policy can't shoot you if you have not been a danger to the public or are not a threat. That is not my words or something that benefits me, that's POLICY.
Treath to a Public is also reckless driving so you techniclly can be gp for that but never seen it. In every chase end police gunpoint suspect so he can't run away any further if he does we only use baton or a taser there is no lethal weapon used unless suspect would take one out too.
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