Action Request (Who?)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MILKY
Your Roleplay Name: kunemaraless Kosagak
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:151207084

Player's Community Name: @Who?
Player's Roleplay Name: Dixie Santos
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147531782

Why should this player be punished?: We were raiding at projex and we killed everyone, after we were done we realised that 1 gun was missing as there was 4 people in the base, we scout around in the house looking but we dont find, so i contact acer to get logs and he provides showing that they harvested and stored a sako and weed in their storage.

I was the last raider alive, once I had eliminated the final defender I went in to check the spoils of our work. I found that the guns count didn't align with body count so I swept the apt looking for the missing guns. Once I had escaped with the guns I could find I asked in OOC about missing guns where I was met with a lightly toxic response that denied my claims, but in efforts to pursue the situation further I sought logs, which MILKY was able to provide with the assistance of Acer.

I will be referencing the rules 3.18 (storages and trunks) and 3.25 (drug harvesting/mugging) in my response to this action request.

The door was breached at 02:54:51, I am told that crowbars were used in this raid meaning the very recognisable sound would have been heard before this time. Drugs were harvested by @sleepy before the door was opened and items were stored by @Neko! before and after the door was opened. It's safe to assume that both individuals would have been aware of their door being breached.

With regards to @sleepy

Rule 3.25 states "Players may not harvest drugs or mug players while being raided or when they suspect they are about to get raided if they don’t have a significant chance to escape the situation". In this scenario, your chance of escape was not significant enough to justify harvesting your drugs, despite being aware of the imminent danger at hand, as opposed to pausing or hiding them. You have therefore violated this rule.

With regards to @Neko!

Rule 3.18 states "While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person". As said above, I can assume beyond any reasonable doubt that you were aware of the raid that was ongoing and that your life was in imminent danger. You have therefore violated this rule.

Both users will be receiving warnings for their actions.
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