Server Suggestion News paper


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Sofia, Bulgaria
Suggestion Title: News paper
Suggestion Description: Player driven news paper, a team of players online can get stuff from other online players like pictures and stories and then make a news paper that they chose for how much to sell and the money gose to the city hall.
Also something fun would be to move the ads in the news paper, it will be cooler then just a random text in the chat.
Why should this be added?:
-it is cool
-it will make the servers more interested in roleplaying whit stuff happening.

What negatives could this have?:
- trolls
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There is already something similar as PLN (ParlakeNews) the only negative thing expect trolls would be a lot of coding when it comes to funcional newspaper with photos
I think the closest thing to an in-character newspaper was ParalakeNews but this seems to have died, you're more than welcome to launch your own with a website etc and we can feature it if it's good enough quality otherwise the currently existing Community Spotlight is probably the closest thing to a newspaper we will have.
I believe we had Paralake News running like two or three times by now, and it ended every time in the same way. People start to get enthusiastic about it and write a bunch of articles and leave after a few weeks/months.

Of course, I generally love the idea of IC journalism, however, I doubt that this will hold longer than two/three months.
I believe we had Paralake News running like two or three times by now, and it ended every time in the same way. People start to get enthusiastic about it and write a bunch of articles and leave after a few weeks/months.

Of course, I generally love the idea of IC journalism, however, I doubt that this will hold longer than two/three months.
I think it can workout, look at a positive way.
I think the closest thing to an in-character newspaper was ParalakeNews but this seems to have died, you're more than welcome to launch your own with a website etc and we can feature it if it's good enough quality otherwise the currently existing Community Spotlight is probably the closest thing to a newspaper we will have.
I'm not so good in coding. I bearly made a c++ program print hello world.
Realistically if this was added who's actually going to think I wanna use a newspaper to look at the adverts it will be used for a week and be forgotten about
Honestly I’m not speaking on behalf of development however in the past community members were allowed to front these projects within the community if they demonstrated that they were willing, able and responsible enough to do so and if you consistently express interest in being apart of this project without being annoying about it this could well make a comeback with you involved in this.

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