Server Suggestion First Aid Kit Ability

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My House
Suggestion Title: First Aid Kit Ability
Suggestion Description: Make the Medics/Firefighters have the ability to heal themselves

Why should this be added?:
Isnt it a bit ironic when a Medic/Firefighter can heal the others but not himself ?

What negatives could this have?:
What negatives could this have?:
- Messing around and breaking 3.4 and 4.1 becoming easier for these jobs since they can just heal themselves during situations.
- Medics and fire services typically aren’t legally (rules wise) injured on the job when they are following rules to begin with.
- Stimpacks and splints already serve this purpose well in a less unrealistic, Less intrusive and more balanced manner.
- Messing around and breaking 3.4 and 4.1 becoming easier for these jobs since they can just heal themselves during situations.
- Medics and fire services typically aren’t legally (rules wise) injured on the job when they are following rules to begin with.
- Stimpacks and splints already serve this purpose well in a less unrealistic, Less intrusive and more balanced manner.
- Messing around and breaking 3.4 and 4.1 in order to farm xp
Thanks for putting this through, I haven't actually thought of this. Now after these cons are listed, I don't think this idea will be implemented but there must be a way for the medic to heal himself in case he gets injured, right?
Thanks for putting this through, I haven't actually thought of this. Now after these cons are listed, I don't think this idea will be implemented but there must be a way for the medic to heal himself in case he gets injured, right?
Medics can get the same medical supplies as cops from the NPC at PD. I think it would be a good idea to get them as soon as you go on duty
Thanks for putting this through, I haven't actually thought of this. Now after these cons are listed, I don't think this idea will be implemented but there must be a way for the medic to heal himself in case he gets injured, right?
I haven't played the new Medic/FF update but if memory serves me right you were able to stop bleeding and bandage yourself with the kit. Would be nice to at least have that ability back.

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