Action Request (kerzify)

Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam Name: maeen
Your Roleplay Name: Saqib Asaad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Player's Steam Name: kerzify
Player's Roleplay Name: Harrison Turner
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101636185

Why should this player be punished?: He should be punished for 3.3 as I had took her keys and attempted to unlock the door with her keys. Realisticly this would have worked without the need of taking her handcuffs off. But in order for this to work on PERPHEADS Serous gaming, we need to uncuff the suspect.

[There is staff on the server, but is not doing anything with it, hence the AR]

Evidence Link:
None of this would have happened if you followed your Police Policies correctly, Could you upload a longer clip to show Staff what happened leading up to this?

Somebody tried raiding me, I killed them from wall banging them and then called 911, In which you turn up and INSIST to raid my apartment and search all of my rooms which we both know isn't following policy and is completely unnessacary which is why I killed you as you weren't listening to anything I was saying and was forcing a Raid when you could've just had a normal conversation

Also, I would advise turning your microphone on in your clips, Your ignorance was through the roof.
@FARSTAD why did you even try to go in there? Seems like an unlawful search to me…

I know you're not quoting me therefore I shouldn't speak but in this situation getting my full point across will help my case,

I seriously have no reason what the neediness was for him to force his entry, I've not ONCE had Police raid me in the entirety of playing PERP when I've reported the crime, Gave the weapon & the suspects crowbar he used, I mean, To be honest, I could maybe understand if he wanted to come into the main room and search for anything that could have been tampered with, Which I let him as you can see in the video, but wanting to deep search and go into the back room and the toilets was a bit too far, I did ask 3 Supervisors within the PLPD to see if I was wrong within his policing but they've all agreed that the entry was unnessacary forced for self gain.
I'm pretty sure also the other two officers got the point because neither of them went in my apartment and both of them left the scene when I provided the weapon and crowbar
I know you're not quoting me therefore I shouldn't speak but in this situation getting my full point across will help my case,

I seriously have no reason what the neediness was for him to force his entry, I've not ONCE had Police raid me in the entirety of playing PERP when I've reported the crime, Gave the weapon & the suspects crowbar he used, I mean, To be honest, I could maybe understand if he wanted to come into the main room and search for anything that could have been tampered with, Which I let him as you can see in the video, but wanting to deep search and go into the back room and the toilets was a bit too far, I did ask 3 Supervisors within the PLPD to see if I was wrong within his policing but they've all agreed that the entry was unnessacary forced for self gain.
I'm pretty sure also the other two officers got the point because neither of them went in my apartment and both of them left the scene when I provided the weapon and crowbar
The reasoning was as explained to you over steam.

You had lied about the raider not having a firearm, but once I took the keys, he suddenly had a gun, this then gave me reasonable suspicion to believe you might have hidden something else belonging to the attempted raider f.e a large rifle.

This is the sole reason for the search. But you decided to shoot me over abselutely nothing which warranted a search for you for 9.5 Murder of leo.
You had lied about the raider not having a firearm, but once I took the keys, he suddenly had a gun, this then gave me reasonable suspicion to believe you might have hidden something else belonging to the attempted raider f.e a large rifle.

I think It was smart to hide the start of the clip and lead it JUST to when you take the keys and force the entry, You came upstairs, I dropped the Crowbar and then you asked where's the gun and I said I don't know, At that point you said something along the lines of I'll go in or I'll have to go in, I then said, Fine I'm lying and dropped you the gun, At that point you could've easily done a lot more than just force your entry, But no your ignorance got the better of you because there was bullet holes... finger prints.. You could have easily done /me checks door for Bullet holes coming from Raider and I would have simply answered /desc Yes, Bullet holes have been shot from the outside from the raider.

Or possibly as there was no sort of DNA, Maybe create your own /me and do /me checks fingerprints and firearm prints in which I could've answered in /desc truthfully as you were not in the situation and didn't know if it was his gun, so possibly do some Roleplay and use the features the server provided you.

This is the sole reason for the search. But you decided to shoot me over abselutely nothing which warranted a search for you for 9.5 Murder of leo.

"but you decided to shoot me over absolutely nothing" - Well, It wasn't over "nothing" You were going to search my apartment and confiscate my drugs and then probably take me in and confiscate my weapon too as you would probably say "it was used in a crime".
To add, I questioned a Staff Sergeant to see EVEN if Lied ONCE could that cause a possible search of the entire apartment and they said that It can not and would be an unlawful search as there would be a 911 Report, The crowbar used which could be proven in /desc in a roleplay term and the weapon the raider was using too which could also be proven in a roleplay term using /desc

It seems like you had a few way's in which could conclude your 'investigation' as I've listed above, which would have been seizing the weapon, the crowbar and then leaving in which the majority of police who know what they're doing, would have done, but in this case, you wanted to force your way in each room to get everything confiscated including my weapon when processing me.

Seeing as you cannot provide a demo or full clip for 5-6 weeks I will close this AR for now.
However, you may send me a PM when you're home and able to provide me with clip/demo