Model Suggestion Extended magazines for certain pistols

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Suggestion Title: Extended magazines for certain pistols
Suggestion Description: I am willing to try modelling these!!!

Adding extended magazines for the following pistols:
- 30 round 9MM glock (glock 17 and 18c)
- M1911 11 round extended magazine
- OTS33 Pernach 30 round magazine
- 15 round magazine for Makarov PM
Currently a fair number of pistols aren’t used over HK45CT’s, M9’s, glock 20’s and USP40’s due to them being the best handguns in terms of capacity to damage ratio.

Adding extended magazines to these firearms will help further rectify their positions as viable weaponry.

Extended capacity glocks are often used in the US by gangs due to their concealability to capacity ratio being huge. They’re also popular amongst the civilian crowd for home defence.

Why should this be added?:
- realistic addition
- Would make glock 17’s even more viable options
- Possibly ending the 45CT Meta.

What negatives could this have?:
- Could see limited use
- Glocks already have huge capacity which could be seen as unfair
The tricky part would be the additional animation we'd need to have for the reload. Because I don't have the file used to make the animations, I'd need to either match the idle gun pose as close as I can or work without adding ik bones which would be a personal nightmare.
It might actually be easier than I'm imagining though, we'll see.
The tricky part would be the additional animation we'd need to have for the reload. Because I don't have the file used to make the animations, I'd need to either match the idle gun pose as close as I can or work without adding ik bones which would be a personal nightmare.
It might actually be easier than I'm imagining though, we'll see.
wouldn't it be possible to get them from xq? he's also made new animations for literally almost everything but he disappears every like 3-4 months
main pistols are not used because of their damage but because of their accuracy in medium to long range.
adding extended mags wouldn't change the meta much apart from being crippled 24/7
Would be nice if, as an addition, Glock 17 and Glock 18C magazines were made interchangeable or merged into one as they are in real life, which would encourage people to keep their glock mags and use both the G17 and G18C
I'll bump this instead of making my own suggestion. I'd like to see stuff like extended baseplate magazines, say, 20 round glock magazines, 17 round beretta magazines, 15 round sig magazines, etc. that cost a bit more material, with the smaller magazines still being better value. Additionally, 40 round STANAG magazines, like 40 round PMAGs would be nice, so long as they're like, nearly twice the material cost of a regular 30 round magazine. 40 Round AK magazines would be nice too, and I don't think that would need additional animations, depending on the gun, Maybe have the 40 round rifle magazines have a slightly slowed down reload time too.
The tricky part would be the additional animation we'd need to have for the reload. Because I don't have the file used to make the animations, I'd need to either match the idle gun pose as close as I can or work without adding ik bones which would be a personal nightmare.
It might actually be easier than I'm imagining though, we'll see.
The MP9 and MP7 have broken animations for there extended mag loads and no one complains about that.

I'll bump this instead of making my own suggestion. I'd like to see stuff like extended baseplate magazines, say, 20 round glock magazines, 17 round beretta magazines, 15 round sig magazines, etc. that cost a bit more material, with the smaller magazines still being better value. Additionally, 40 round STANAG magazines, like 40 round PMAGs would be nice, so long as they're like, nearly twice the material cost of a regular 30 round magazine. 40 Round AK magazines would be nice too, and I don't think that would need additional animations, depending on the gun, Maybe have the 40 round rifle magazines have a slightly slowed down reload time too.

I see no harm in giving the AKS74U a drum magazine since it’s the weakest assault rifle in the game.
I'm necroposting this suggestion but I Believe a 32 round mag for the glock 18 should be made. The whole reason for the gun is the automatic state and it only has a 19 rnd mag
It should fit both since both guns are the same firearm. Just call it “Glock 9MM extended magazine”