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I would liek 2 join becus i am new in za server and i only haz 5 bans and 14 warnings, but dat is just becus the admons are some cunts, especially dat guy "Loejseren". such a feggit. my favurit wepon iz bereta, i onebang everione with it.
ingame-name: Matty Scrub
I would liek 2 join becus i am new in za server and i only haz 5 bans and 14 warnings, but dat is just becus the admons are some cunts, especially dat guy "Loejseren". such a feggit. my favurit wepon iz bereta, i onebang everione with it.
ingame-name: Matty Scrub

Matty, keep in mind that we are educating killing machines there's no coming back once you've become one. Are you truly sure you want to join ?
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