Server Suggestion Tasks on a Bulletin Board/Expanded Missions app

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Gangster's Paradise
Suggestion Title: Tasks on a Bulletin Board/Expanded Missions app
Suggestion Description: In a short summary, it's daily/weekly/monthly tasks that reward you for doing "RP" related things.

Hear me out before down voting,

So this could function in two different ways.

Task giver concept 1:

Have a physical board inside City Hall, perhaps in the library (populates City Hall more) which once interacted with, displays either randomly generated tasks or selected ones (by the CM's or Admins) that the player can choose to accept or refresh (at a cost).

Task giver concept 2:

Using the current missions app on the phone, have a tab of "Daily", "Weekly" and "Monthly" missions for the player to view and complete.

Even having a combination of both concepts for players who don't have a phone (perks of having the phone is, you can track the tasks and have them appear like a PD incident would on the players HUD)

A completed task leader board could also be created for anyone who wants to have their spot up there (could be a tab on the actual bulletin board inside library)

Ok, now here is where we get to the contents of the tasks. Here are a some examples I have thought of, which can be used as a foundation:
(*) interchangeable variables:
(Note that these tasks could be randomly selected for daily's and handpicked for the weekly and monthly's with random variables e.g. 1-15)
(If the text is multiple colours then that means it can be all three depending on the variable amount)

Catch x* amount of *Cod (Reward: $* Item: *)

Use emote *Cheer in proximity of x* players (Reward: $* Item: *)

Talk to x* amount of NPCs (Reward: $* Item: *)

Bobby pin or crowbar x* amount of player's properties (this one is controversial as I don't want people breaking 3.4 in the process of doing this) (also it has to be different player properties, not including own ORG or allies)

Order *item from the delivery app (Reward: $* Item: *)

Like a toot on Tooter (Reward: $* Item: *)

Catch a ride or (as a Taxi Driver) drive x* player in a Taxi (Reward: $* Item: *)

Purchase a property and live inside for x* minutes (Reward: $* Item: *)

Drive x* met
res (Reward: $* Item: *)

Walk or run x* metres (Reward: $* Item: *)

(As a Police Officer) Arrest x* suspects (Reward: $* Item: *)

(As a Medic) Revive x* players (Reward: $* Item: * XP: x*) (another one that might have to be monitored so people don't break rules in the process)

(As a Firefighter) Extinguish x* fires (Reward: $* Item: * XP: x*)

(As a Courier) Deliver x* packages in under * minutes (Reward: $* Item: *)

(As a road crew) Repair x* amount of cars (Reward: $* Item: *)

(As a road crew) Impound x* amount of illegally parked cars (Reward: $* Item: *)

Sell x* items for $* or higher (Reward: $* Item: *) (could be used maliciously too)

(Rare weekly) (As the Mayor) Keep the budget of the city above $* for x* minutes (Reward: $* Item: *)

Smoke x* cigarettes (Reward: $* Item: *)

Drink x* beers (Reward: $* Item: *)

Explore x* unique locations in a single life (Reward: $* Item: *)

Visit * location
(Reward: $* Item: *)

Use the monorail x* times (Reward: $* Item: *)

Use the shooting-range x* times (Reward: $* Item: *)

Place x* different props inside an owned property (Reward: $* Item: *)

Refuel your veh
icle x* times (Reward: $* Item: *) (sorry Tesla Chads, time to whip out the Mini Cooper)

Reach * score in *app game (Premium only) (Reward: $* Item: *)

Set a timer for x* minutes (Reward: $* Item: *) (maybe pointless)

Wear a different outfit from your wardrobe (Reward: $* Item: *)

Play a hand of BlackJack x* times (Reward: $* Item: *)
(another controversial task because it's a slippery slope to encourage gambling but could be any amount so it doesn't leave players bankrupt)

(Weekly) Complete x* Daily tasks (Reward: $* Item: *)

(Monthly) Craft x* weapons (Reward: $* Item: *)

(Monthly) Complete x* Weekly tasks (Reward: $* Item: *)

I could give more ideas of tasks if requested but I think you get the jist.

This can also be categorized to specific jobs which were mentioned above. (Depending on how in-depth the system is)

For instance,

Civilian tasks (*/*)
Daily (*/*)
Weekly (*/*)
Monthly (*/*)
Police tasks (*/*)
Medic tasks (*/*)
Misc tasks (*/*)

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Crafting task jobs using the NPC's

So this concept I have thought of would involve a little more "Passive RP" to an extent, which would give some of the crafters something to do when it's a slow day for them.

Craft and deliver x* (*) weapon parts to the Gun store NPC (Reward: $* Item: *)

Cook x* fish and deliver to the Poisson NPC (15 limit due to food) (Reward: $* Item: *)

Craft x* furniture and deliver to Old Stool NPC (Reward: $* Item: *)

Grow x* pumpkins and deliver to Yoghurto's Pub/Hungriges NPC (Reward: $* Item: *)

So this would work by having the player craft a specific item (The gun part tasks could work based off the players current firearms level) and have them deliver the items to the NPC. All the player has to do is have those crafted items on them and when speaking to the NPC, have a new dialogue option of "Have you got those (*) I've been asking for?" if the player hasn't got the required amount then the NPC says something like "This ain't enough?! Come back when you have what I asked for!" then play the "Get the hell out of here!" Half life voice line or something.

The tasks could differentiate from daily, weekly and monthly by the quantity and difficulty (I know the furniture task could have a weight issue and to counter this, the player could bring singular props of different furniture)

There could also be (similar to the casino wheel spins) extra tasks for the premium players (2 daily's instead of 1) and potentially extra rewards.

So for the rewards and making them not too overpowered, the easier tasks, daily's would of course have a smaller reward and items could also be given, instead of money or alongside it. These rewards could change depending on the category of task (gun parts tasks could reward the player with an actual gun, ammo or gun parts). The rewards would also be sent straight to the player's storage once claimed from City Hall.

This could also be a way to earn rare items (maybe not for existing one as this would hurt the economy and the authenticity) but new ones being implemented, for example:

New model of phone that can't be purchased at the NPC (Nokia brick, 80s phone or just reskins of the normal phones) (the Nokia and the 80's phone could only make calls and texts but tbh these are other suggestions themselves)

Rare food item (E.g Melon)

Golden weapons (Bit of a stretch but would be cool for the harder gun tasks) (huge flex for players to have and trade too) (Golden AK47) (Golden 1911) etc etc.

Don't take this suggestion as trying to turn Perp into an MMO, just want some freshness into the game we all seem to grind regularly, would also make City Hall and the library area less deserted.

I'm no dev by a long shot but I will be happy to help in any way I can! :)

Why should this be added?:
- Would prompt players to play everyday/week/month in order to complete these tasks to maximize their efficiency in making money or items.

- Would fill out the less desirable jobs and encourage players to do other things in the city, besides power growing for their entire experience.

- Would help new players learn the map and all of its features (Including growing pumpkins).

- People can compete to be at the top of the completed task leaderboard.

- The CM's could be in control of the weekly's and monthly rewards which gives them something hopefully enjoyable to do.

- More premium features.

- More replayability for old heads

What negatives could this have?:
- Would take time to create the system (as the missions' app did) but like mentioned in the task giver concepts, this could be made as a section inside the new app which could make the work slightly easier.

- Overpowered rewards?

- Big shift in economy?

- Like mentioned some tasks could be abused (but can be monitored as easy as job abuse I suppose)

- Mentioned other negatives on the actual task examples above

Useful Images:

Edit: Just realised @Bnej suggested something similar last year.

Hopefully this post expands more on the idea using the latest added content
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This is definitely a much-needed update to raise activity and not have the same basic cop v robbers we see every day. It'll definitely make people play different jobs that they haven't.
I completely agree, the suggestion is needed, atleast it gives more people things to do other than sit in a base all day. People will find things that they might enjoy from this update!
Having goals like these will definitely keep the players base occupied and give frequent players new things to work towards.
Daily missions;/small tasks like this really make a game fun. Sometimes all it takes just a small goal to really motivate someone to do something.
Definitely! Just want to add too from independent research that a large majority of players (Including myself on a handful of occasions), only join Perp for the free casino spins then are too demotivated to do anything else, causing them to log off under an hour after joining. These missions could potentially extend the duration of stay and even keep them playing after, as they have to invest a period of time in order to achieve the rewards (plus the task might be something they've never even done on the server before).
This has actually always been planned however I like a lot of your ideas for tasks so we may use some of them

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