Model Suggestion Keffiyeh

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Suggestion Title: Keffiyeh
Suggestion Description: Scarf as a neck accessory.

Why should this be added?:
- As Arab this would be awesome for me and many others in the community.
- Looks nice
- More creative than slapping on gold / silver chains to look good.
- Variety clothing

What negatives could this have?:
- possibly would take a bit of effort to develop.

Useful Images:
Picture above incase imgur bugs out for you too
Whilst this on its own is a good idea in theory, the issue with adding cultural clothing like this is 70% of users will use it only to portray a racial stereotype or use it without knowing what it actually is.
Whilst this on its own is a good idea in theory, the issue with adding cultural clothing like this is 70% of users will use it only to portray a racial stereotype or use it without knowing what it actually is.
I completely see your point of view. You see though that that logic can be used when mentioning the cultural names people use as well or the Org names. I as a Palestinian Arab meaning this exact style of scarf comes from my culture explicitly want this and don't mind people jokingly wearing it or seriously wearing it well since people already joke about all sorts of things I mentioned above which I haven't seen one person offended by yet in my 1+ year on the server not even at the names since they never seen to be used with malicious intent otherwise staff always manage to swiftly handle that just the same. Also I'm sure many of my other friends who are also Palestinian players would either love to wear it or laugh at goofballs wearing it jokingly.
@BigRossKane i heard you want to do 3d modeling for clothes can you maybe think about this too please?
I'm in the same boat as Benji on the cultural appropriation thing. Don't get me wrong it would be cool and a regular scarf would suit it better but this could easily be used for blasphemy and/or racism; similar to having Turbins, Hijabs and Yarmulkes etc.

Modelling is hard as fuck too and I'm no expert just trying to broaden my knowledge so chances are, with this work I will fall at the first hurdle. But who knows.
I'm in the same boat as Benji on the cultural appropriation thing. Don't get me wrong it would be cool and a regular scarf would suit it better but this could easily be used for blasphemy and/or racism; similar to having Turbins, Hijabs and Yarmulkes etc.

Modelling is hard as fuck too and I'm no expert just trying to broaden my knowledge so chances are, with this work I will fall at the first hurdle. But who knows.
there is actually a guy on youtube to wears clothing from different cultures and goes to ask college students or random american teens or adults how they think. They get triggered and call it "cultural appropriation" without him showing any malicious intent while wearing the outfit. When he asks the people the culture comes from they compliment him and are happy with his appreciation. Some people will be racist in any way they can any time they want to. I won't let that stop me from wanting to wear my scarf or others who are not evil wear it as well.
there is actually a guy on youtube to wears clothing from different cultures and goes to ask college students or random american teens or adults how they think. They get triggered and call it "cultural appropriation" without him showing any malicious intent while wearing the outfit. When he asks the people the culture comes from they compliment him and are happy with his appreciation. Some people will be racist in any way they can any time they want to. I won't let that stop me from wanting to wear my scarf or others who are not evil wear it as well.
I have seen these videos, correct. I'm also not trying to be a Karen in this situation, you just got to look at it in a different way. People use it as symbolism, especially the ignorant. Yes there are going to be racists either way but why give them more ways to mock the religion?

It's a double edged sword brother. I think keeping any cultural and religious clothing separate from Perp is the safest route.

Just my opinion though, I'm all for expressing yourself and representing your culture but there's the other side which allows people to use it to form stereotypes and adumbrate a target for genuine racists.
@BigRossKane @Bnej I see the risk but also obviously older players of the community who know how to respect themselves which are most of them won't be that way so maybe the price of this piece can be quite high just like any other gold or silver or maybe more to prevent this.

I do think everybody is targeted by a racist from everywhere somewhere but this community has the swiftest operating staff team I've seen on GMOD in my 4000+ hours growing up on this game.

Price Benefit:
Tell me if you believe differently and that's ok but I think with that level of security it should be fair to say that if this was to be added and made an item for a high price like the top hat is for 50k. It would be rare to see somebody wearing it to be "forming stereotypes" as those people will stand out making them easily reportable and punishable by staff accordingly.

Easy prevention:
It's really no different from the FREE option of racism and stereotypes where someone can name themselves some bootleg Arab name and be belligerent but instead this way it is actually expensive to be evil so it diverts it, hides it amidst all the other clothing items and even if they go through all the effort they will easily lose.
I’d love too see this be added for any Arabs on our community, but I honestly feel like with the amount off kids on the server who don’t give a fuck will just use it in a racist way
@BigRossKane @Bnej I see the risk but also obviously older players of the community who know how to respect themselves which are most of them won't be that way so maybe the price of this piece can be quite high just like any other gold or silver or maybe more to prevent this.

I do think everybody is targeted by a racist from everywhere somewhere but this community has the swiftest operating staff team I've seen on GMOD in my 4000+ hours growing up on this game.

Price Benefit:
Tell me if you believe differently and that's ok but I think with that level of security it should be fair to say that if this was to be added and made an item for a high price like the top hat is for 50k. It would be rare to see somebody wearing it to be "forming stereotypes" as those people will stand out making them easily reportable and punishable by staff accordingly.

Easy prevention:
It's really no different from the FREE option of racism and stereotypes where someone can name themselves some bootleg Arab name and be belligerent but instead this way it is actually expensive to be evil so it diverts it, hides it amidst all the other clothing items and even if they go through all the effort they will easily lose.
I’d love too see this be added for any Arabs on our community, but I honestly feel like with the amount off kids on the server who don’t give a fuck will just use it in a racist way
I proposed a solution to this above so I think you should read it and maybe we can discuss further :')
@BigRossKane @Bnej I see the risk but also obviously older players of the community who know how to respect themselves which are most of them won't be that way so maybe the price of this piece can be quite high just like any other gold or silver or maybe more to prevent this.

I do think everybody is targeted by a racist from everywhere somewhere but this community has the swiftest operating staff team I've seen on GMOD in my 4000+ hours growing up on this game.

Price Benefit:
Tell me if you believe differently and that's ok but I think with that level of security it should be fair to say that if this was to be added and made an item for a high price like the top hat is for 50k. It would be rare to see somebody wearing it to be "forming stereotypes" as those people will stand out making them easily reportable and punishable by staff accordingly.

Easy prevention:
It's really no different from the FREE option of racism and stereotypes where someone can name themselves some bootleg Arab name and be belligerent but instead this way it is actually expensive to be evil so it diverts it, hides it amidst all the other clothing items and even if they go through all the effort they will easily lose.
The price of the item won't really change anything to be honest because if someone wanted it, then they could easily obtain it. You're missing the point in itself though, why create a problem to have another set of people solve that problem when it could've been prevented in the first place by not having the catalyst to the problem to begin with (Cultural items).

Plus when it comes to racial attacks, it's bad enough that they can potentially use words to try and hurt them but then with these type of clothing, it can be visualised and greatly increase the level of damage. Damage ain't reversible like that either man, so it shouldn't be made easier for them to be racist. Feel like I'm repeating myself and also super tired so not super punctual right now but just look at it from a different light.
The price of the item won't really change anything to be honest because if someone wanted it, then they could easily obtain it. You're missing the point in itself though, why create a problem to have another set of people solve that problem when it could've been prevented in the first place by not having the catalyst to the problem to begin with (Cultural items).

Plus when it comes to racial attacks, it's bad enough that they can potentially use words to try and hurt them but then with these type of clothing, it can be visualised and greatly increase the level of damage. Damage ain't reversible like that either man, so it shouldn't be made easier for them to be racist. Feel like I'm repeating myself and also super tired so not super punctual right now but just look at it from a different light.
Im sorry that I made you feel that way. I believe I do see it from a 'different light' but at the same time I'm still have a opinion and you have an opinion. I also think your stance is mainly focused on Prevention Before Intervention.

I am trying to discuss solutions to the issue and I made it clear I agree you bring up a valid question. However I thought my solution was fairly clear. Those cultural items are tools that can be used for evil by people who wish to be racist just like anything else on the server. If these items were made to be fairly expensive maybe higher than 50k like how some dolls are 300k and are straight up event items regarding Christmas or Witch hats representing Halloween all being things that relate to Christian Holidays / Culture would be even more of "catalysts". That would make it quite the investment yet something people who have a deep love for that item will put in the time and effort. Very little people are so dedicated to their malice and hate for a certain race or culture that they would go as far as to save up 300k+ or find a person to buy it from just to lose it or get banned.

but completely disregarding that there is a in fact a chance this is possible in a community such as this is just not right in my opinion. It is completely false to say "cultural items" aren't already a thing in perp.
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