Server Suggestion PLPD respawns

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Suggestion Title: PLPD respawns
Suggestion Description: As we ALL know, even criminals. PLPD job is just a straight on black screen simulator - why? being outgunned, outnumbered. Why outgunned? - all the crims got aks, 50 cals and even granades. Cops dont rly have all that.
And so basically my suggestion is that respawns for plpd (cops) should be like 3 min, with a 10 min nlr zone at a place he died, preventing ppl to abuse it just to go to the place quicker.

Why should this be added?:
- Cops being attracted to actually being on duty more.
- Cops not playing a simulator of black screens for long.

What negatives could this have?:
no idea
First of all if anything cops have the advantage over crims,
- Access to armour, heavy armour for TFU
- Variety of given weapons
- Vast numbers of you, outnumbering crims
- You can respond after your NLR timer is gone, something crims cannot do
- TFU also have access to a load of rifles, snipers and flashbangs, if used correctly it is OP
- They have access to all kind of range fights
- Armoured vehicles
Whereas crims have AKs, grenades and whatever.
Cop simply takes advantage over crim
great joke jake, all the cops and random people that arent rly maining cops say that tfu test is too hard, and takes too long to be able to apply again. Takes 2 weeks to apply even after 1 point failure. Then also stage 2-4. Good luck wanting people to spend like 2 months getting a tfu job.
Btw about range fights, thats cap. Most the cops im seeing on duty from yesterday is pistol cops and corps with shotguns, i saw max 2 tfus on duty. Angel and somebody else.
great joke jake, all the cops and random people that arent rly maining cops say that tfu test is too hard, and takes too long to be able to apply again. Takes 2 weeks to apply even after 1 point failure. Then also stage 2-4. Good luck wanting people to spend like 2 months getting a tfu job.
Btw about range fights, thats cap. Most the cops im seeing on duty from yesterday is pistol cops and corps with shotguns, i saw max 2 tfus on duty. Angel and somebody else.
I wasn't joking, everything I said in that statement is facts and I think most people and crim mains would agree with me
The respawn timer is not an issue here. The issue is a lack of officers/TFU/supervisors and organization between them in order to act as a proper built up police force rather than 1 or 2 pistol wielding maniacs fighting to survive. Hard disagree from me.
I wasn't joking, everything I said in that statement is facts and I think most people and crim mains would agree with me
Im a recovering cop main, i have to agree with you Jake, when TFU use equipment to its best capacity we are majorly advantaged over crims.
The respawn timer is not an issue here. The issue is a lack of officers/TFU/supervisors and organization between them in order to act as a proper built up police force rather than 1 or 2 pistol wielding maniacs fighting to survive. Hard disagree from me.
I agree with this + the amount of shootouts happening at the same time is another issue.
I play cop almost exclusively and this sounds like a skill issue.

Why should this be added?:
- Cops being attracted to actually being on duty more.
There's no issue of people not going on duty
- Cops not playing a simulator of black screens for long.
Shortening respawn time isn't going to change this if you're bad, whether that is at organization, decision-making or pure aim. You're just going to end up dying again.

Except in bank robberies, crims have to deal with other crims (whether as attackers or defenders) AND police.
I personally disagree for reasons stated above, this would encourage NLR and not really solve anything...

Also as a note this exact idea was brought up in a fake meme update
Its fine, there are usually 10-15 cops for 5-6 criminals at peak hours, so the odds in general are fine. Pistol cops, and cops generally die so much, as they are literally called to every and each shootout going on, when you are a crim, only a fraction of everything that is going on interests you.
The respawn thing is not a good way to fix it. Semi auto only low cal low capacity carbines is the better solution to being outgunned. Back in the day they had 8 round 38 cal carbines as the cops higher end gun and they were outgunned ALOT with crime. Did they make it work? Yes. Did it cost alot of cops and barely work half the time? Yes.
But that wont happen either so we're just stuck with black screen simulator for now. Don't like it? Try TFU you might:tm: make it. I didnt but i accept that.
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