Decrease Respawn timer, Increase NLR

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Professional Stripper
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Description of the idea: Decrease Respawn timer, Increase NLR. Genuinely dont know how the server has 50 people willing to wait 5 minutes to respawn even if your tabbing out ect.

Why should this be added? (pros):
-Less people leave when they die. I dont know why anyone would wait 5 minutes to respawn in a game in 2020
-Your not bored shitless staring at a black screen

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Easier to break NLR
- More for staff to do
I like this idea, NLR is one of the easier things to enforce
Hard disagree. PERPheads PERP has always been unique for several reasons and has remained so for a long time, one of these reasons being that death on the server has actual consequences. You die? You wait like 10 minutes to respawn and lose all of your currently equipped items. It makes you not want to die again. ( if RPing and abiding by the "value your life" rule isn't enough already for a player )
If you start easing on those consequences, it's just gonna actually make the server even more of a CSGO match with extra little quirks and benefits.

A large - Support from me.
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Wonder how many people leave on a black screen. These people would lose health if they went anywhere near their NLR and can easily be enforced so I cant see them being a problem at all rather than give people an opportunity to do something rather than waste their life staring at a black screen but you do you if yo u want to live in the past rather than move on and improve.
Could allow cops to spawn cars in city hall or some shit idk to respond somewhere else
Moving on does not necessarily mean improving. In this case, I believe that some things should simply not be changed. Again, if you respawn shortly after death and can go on to do whatever else, that incentive to actually not die again and value your life, because otherwise you risk staring at a black screen for 10 minutes ( if RPing FearRP is not enough for a player ) will be gone. And in my opinion that is a move in the exact opposite direction the server needs to be moving right now.
@obidan66 there is no incentive not to die again. Nobody thinks, you know what im not going to die again. Nothing that youve said already isn't enforced and cant be enforced.
I think it should work like this
- When you die you sit for a minimum of 2min 30 secs on a black screen
- However if you are still unconscious (red screened) then you will stay on that screen until you are either revived or die completely
-NLR would work so that it is 7mins 30 seconds after you respawn if you blackscreened and spawned in 2mins 30
- If respawned after due to being unconscious and dying after the 2mins 30 then it will calculate how much time is left of the 7minute 30 nlr, as if you spawned in 2mins 30.

Sorry if this makes no sense I rushed this as im getting shot at in game.
5 minutes is a piss take. Ive already reconnected timed out over a hundred times in cuffs this year saving 10000 minutes in jail and saved 166h of my life and 1 mil in 10k tickets.
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