Ban Dispute (Ezza)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: VREDFEDE
Your Roleplay Name: andrew bandi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:520773768

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.8 - Started to act sexually on a player in Bazaar.

Why should this appeal be considered?: this is not an apology because i am not going to apologize for something i didn't do wrong,i know the rules very well and i have them on my second monitor but what we did was not sexual roleplay, @Ezza u said u have a clip can u post it please so i can see your pov.
We were joking around and not doing sexual rp. i feel like this rule should be for people that do /me and moan or actually do sex on perp, all i did was making a slurping noise for 2 sec next to my friends, which i know bad imature joke but a WEEK FOR IT really? why can't i just get a warning i was doing so well on the server basing and building casino got in like 2 firefights in 2 days then i get banned a week for joking around.

Additional Information: ezza please understand that was not sexual rp it was just an imature joke around friends
Tbh I don't think he should get banned, I was the one on the couch and it was just a joke.

1 week for sex rp it too much considering its the first time happening.
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: VREDFEDE
Your Roleplay Name: andrew bandi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:520773768

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.8 - Started to act sexually on a player in Bazaar.

Why should this appeal be considered?: this is not an apology because i am not going to apologize for something i didn't do wrong,i know the rules very well and i have them on my second monitor but what we did was not sexual roleplay, @Ezza u said u have a clip can u post it please so i can see your pov.
We were joking around and not doing sexual rp. i feel like this rule should be for people that do /me and moan or actually do sex on perp, all i did was making a slurping noise for 2 sec next to my friends, which i know bad imature joke but a WEEK FOR IT really? why can't i just get a warning i was doing so well on the server basing and building casino got in like 2 firefights in 2 days then i get banned a week for joking around.

Additional Information: ezza please understand that was not sexual rp it was just an imature joke around friends
FYI: "A dispute must contain sufficient evidence such as a video of the situation or a demo with the relevant tick provided"

This is my pov of your "joke".

And before you ask the other player who also broke 2.8 was given a warning due to their immaculate record.
i have a good record when it is about 2.8 u cant just say u ban me cuz i got 3.4 and 2.5
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