Server Suggestion PD Jail Cell door change

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Suggestion Title: PD Jail Cell door change
Suggestion Description: Make the PD Jail Cell door the same difficulty to crowbar and bobby as every other door.

I understand that there is an aspect of realism, that a heavy steel door like that would be difficult to break into, but the only thing this results in is longer PD raids, with more cops unnecessarily dying as well as more raids that are pointless since the raiders couldn't free the person they were trying to free due to breaking all their crowbars and bobby's.

Why should this be added?:
- reduces the length of PD raids
- reduces the frequency of pointless PD raids
- reduces the amount of cops dying repeatedly after respawn
- would be much less obnoxious for cops and raiders

What negatives could this have?:
- less realistic

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Tbh there is no point in jailbreaking whatsoever, so a slight change to the difficulty might help people doing that more often.
Amazing suggestion Maximus, this change would also decrease the length of the pd raids which indirectly decreases the chances of innocent bystanders dying
If it wasnt for the high quality picture attached to the suggestion I would have had disagreed 100%

No but for real, the PD is already a long hallway down there and having a door thats difficult to breach isn't making anything more fair etc.
Though I believe @Collier mentioned something about the hallway a while ago and wanted it changed in V6 in general.

But making this door a bit more easy to break through would also be great.
If it wasnt for the high quality picture attached to the suggestion I would have had disagreed 100%

No but for real, the PD is already a long hallway down there and having a door thats difficult to breach isn't making anything more fair etc.
Though I believe @Collier mentioned something about the hallway a while ago and wanted it changed in V6 in general.

But making this door a bit more easy to break through would also be great.
I'm not a V6 man so nothing I say on the matter holds a huge amount of weight, but I still like to moan about things when they don't go my way, so fuck the PD doors
I’d rather just have that door unlock automatically upon the NPC at jails being threatened and having the jailer NPC the only real way to lock / unlock these doors.
I’d rather just have that door unlock automatically upon the NPC at jails being threatened and having the jailer NPC the only real way to lock / unlock these doors.
this, like why would you turn your back on a cop after you just gunpointed them in a real scenario you'd force them to unlock all the doors that follow for you instead of continue lockpicking.
I’d rather just have that door unlock automatically upon the NPC at jails being threatened and having the jailer NPC the only real way to lock / unlock these doors.

I've set it so that the final doors are opened when the jailer is threatened. The difficulty of the first doors has not changed.
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