Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

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Anyone played this yet, I'm getting it today and I'll be playing it over the weekend.
Just wondering what people here have to say about it. No spoilers pls.

Edit: put "Fallen Order" instead of "Survivor"
Haven't actually got it myself but I watched @Jack play it for a while and it seemed good and he claims its brilliant. He can probably elabortate further
I've been really wanting to get the game as well after enjoying Fallen Order so much, as well as being a big Star Wars fan in general. Although I heard the game's been having some pretty bad issues with performance at launch and I've seen that Respawn has put out some patches to try and rectify this.
To anyone who currently owns the game, have these issues been resolved?
Horrible performance issues like any game recently releasing, Fallen Order couldn’t keep me awake so I’m not buying this trash especially not for $70.
I've been really wanting to get the game as well after enjoying Fallen Order so much, as well as being a big Star Wars fan in general. Although I heard the game's been having some pretty bad issues with performance at launch and I've seen that Respawn has put out some patches to try and rectify this.
To anyone who currently owns the game, have these issues been resolved?
I saw it had a lot of performance issues and people said it crashed alot but mine hasn’t crashed yet but with fps and that bollocks idk cause my pc is shit and slowly dying I get around 40-30 fps