NVG || A PerpHeads Edit

First set of forward and rewinding needed some vfx otherwise it just looks like lag or some shit

Way too much time spent on tiktok imo

Over-edited with blurs and shit

+ did you get permission from @Valentine to use yeat on a montage?
They tryna be my twizzy, you already know it ain't no deal. This just the top of the iceberg tiktok stuff
Work on:


- In the beginning take more time with keyframing to get a smoother transition.
- Too much blur overall.
- NVG section gotta go (The indian made NVG asset).
- 0:46 steam noti messed up cinematic.
- don't flip your clips - ever.
- make your noclip flybys/cinematics transition into your shooting clips if you can.
- don't take inspiration from anime and breaking bad edits from tiktok.
- reduce the stutter effects at the start of the montage.
- Don't blur the bank section, try to use a subtle flash and speed it up and flash into it again to get a better look.

I don't think you over edited, I feel like you just drag and dropped assets and flipped through stuff, just spend a bit more time perfecting it or don't use it.


- Mute the clips unless something funny or cool happens mid shooting or anything.
- Don't use tiktok songs as montage songs, start a station or radio on spotify/soundcloud and find something from there instead.
- Fade the song out or find another song that fits to transition better instead of silence, sounds cleaner to me idk about anyone else.

Practice makes perfect, take your time and keep trying.
- Too much blur overall.
i can see why u say that, my idea was that it was because of the fast speed of the camera it can work as a sort of motion blur as it is flying at like 100 mph.
- 0:46 steam noti messed up cinematic.
I TRIED TO CUT THAT OUT but i was sleep deprived so i did not notice! :banghead:
- Don't blur the bank section, try to use a subtle flash and speed it up and flash into it again to get a better look.
yeah blur is a bit too much there. it slowly goes out but i personally prefer making it so the motion blur goes away after the camera starts slowing down.
- don't flip your clips - ever.
i've got some sick POV kills with that, why not?
- make your noclip flybys/cinematics transition into your shooting clips if you can.
this is very true, thanks for reminding me of that. I wish that there was a way to go into demo and remove ur gun viewmodel or go in to drive in your demo around ur car too for better cinematics maybe i can fly into my character's head and then the shooting continues.

- reduce the stutter effects at the start of the montage.
stutter effect?
I feel like you just drag and dropped assets and flipped through stuff, just spend a bit more time perfecting it or don't use it.
I use Davinci Resolve so yes it comes with some presets I used though i still tuned like basically everything. Some things may appear as errors but they are preference bsaed so it's ok to just not have a taste for it i think but you did make very valid points about other things for sure that I totally agree are errors like the stupid steam message xD

Practice makes perfect, take your time and keep trying.
:spiderman: THANK YOU !, honestly i really appreciate your thought out constructive criticism :')