A recent study conducted at Blankridge University revealed that students who cheat do better on tests than those who don’t. In the study, 500 participants were given a test involving different history, science, English, and mathematics questions. Of the 500 participants, 250 of them were given a cheat sheet with all the correct answers. The average score of the non-cheating students was just above 75%; however, the average score of the cheating students was an outstanding 100%. This study offers new insight into test-taking approaches for students in the future.
"I got unbanned today after explaining that my girlfriend Clara was over at my house and I let her play PERP and she decided to install some things that I thought were FPS Boosters."
maan shut yo b _ _ _ _ a _ _ up n _ _ _ _ nobody asked you a b _ _ _ _ a _ _ thing better shut the f _ _ _ up fore i knock yo f _ _ _ _ _ _ head off yo shoulders lil ugly a _ _ b _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ b _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ill kick yo f _ _ _ _ _ _ heart out yo chest n _ _ _ _ better watch the f _ _ _ out n _ _ _ _ stay the f _ _ _ out my mentions b _ _ _ _.
biggest callout of 2020 lmao, "i know for a fact he was hacking" you for a fact a hoe, this is the type of mindset you get when you play black screen simulator one too many times
perp hoes when they thought aquaa was cheating and was happy and then he gets unbanned and they end up looking like fools