Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

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Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Perpheads. It really is unbelievable to all of us that it has already been 10 years. Not many communities even come close to this age so we are incredibly proud and thankful that we have made it this far.
If you want to read about the history of Perpheads, then I can recommend reading last year's anniversary post where we have given a detailed history of Perpheads.
We want to celebrate today's anniversary by releasing a major update, which you can read about below.

Not yet: Paralake V6​

Our original plan was to get the 6th version of Paralake done by the 10th anniversary, but it turns out that the changes @Lelios1 is making to the map is quite a bit more extensive than originally anticipated. In fact, unlike V5, we will be remaking a significant amount of existing buildings while also adding new ones.
To speed up the process a bit, we are also grateful to have @Clarky help us redesign some of the existing areas. Some of these screenshots you might have already seen in the Discord server.
Nonetheless, we could not get the map done in time but we already have a few teasers to show off to you in the meantime. Please note that all of the screenshots are only a work in progress, and in particular the textures will be changed significantly.


These images only show some of the changes to the map. Other areas and the map layout itself have also changed significantly. To see it fully you will have to wait a bit.

Anniversary Update​

While we cannot release V6 yet, the entire team has done a tremendous job to bring you today's anniversary update. It consists of several larger updates, each of which would deserve its own update log.

Anniversary Decorations and Items​

To celebrate the occasion of the 10 year anniversary, we have decorated Paralake in a festive way.


So that you can celebrate with us, you can claim a gift package from the newly added anniversary NPC at the tree in front of city hall.
The package consists of the following items brought to you by @Lelios1 and @Jyrgen
  • A unique balloon (you will keep it, even if it flies away!)
  • A PH birthday cake
  • 3x confetti cannons (single use, but also craftable)

We added several clothing options. Thanks to @Ellie, @Carrot and even @StephenPuffs for creating these models/skins:
  • The original sweater vest
  • 3D glasses
  • Star shaped glasses
  • Party hat with a ton of patterns
  • PH (legacy) logo monograms
  • Pride flag monograms

Also big thanks to @PotShotRaider who provided us with the following two food models and textures:
  • Power Raid Drink
  • Chocolate Bar
I would also like to thank @Standish and @Ellie for coming up with a lot of the ideas and testing them with us.

The Dark Web Update​

This part of the update is a follow up to the mission system update. The mission system introduced tutorials that explain some of the server's mechanics to new players. However, big parts of the server - namely the illegal aspects - were never explained. This is about to change in today's update thanks to @Dank and @Muffin.

The new missions that this update introduces are located in the "Dark Web Tab" of the phone, which unlocks after completing all the tutorials:

Drug Tutorial​

The drug tutorial explains all the steps necessary to grow/create the most popular three drugs.
  • Weed using the basic planter
  • Cocaine using the basic planter
  • Meth
The missions guide the players through the entire process of going through the drug dealer, growing the plants, etc.

Chop Shop​

The chop shop mission features a car robbery that you can play at three different difficulties with higher difficulties paying out more
  • easy
  • medium: police get notified when you steal the car, harder lock-picking difficulty
  • hard: police get notified of your position continuously while evading, hardest lock-picking difficulty
After selecting the difficulty an unowned car will spawn somewhere in the map and you will have to find it. You are given the name of the car and when driving past it, it will be highlighted in red.


After evading the police for a short while, you can drop the car off at a location that will be communicated to you, after which you will get paid. Your pay depends on the health of the car when you deliver it, so try not to scratch it too much.

The Chop Shop mission can be completed once every day. To maintain some server performance there may also only be at most 3 active Chop Shop missions at a time and further you may only start the mission if there are at least 3 police officers. So if you see that the mission is locked, this is why.

Future Missions​

We want to expand on the dark web in the future by providing similar missions to the chop shop as well as more tutorials. Another potential aspect is that we could allow for other kinds of daily quests that might encourage players to try something different. If you have any ideas, please do not hesitate to post suggestions in the Ideas & Suggestions forum.

Crosshair Configurator​

Thanks to @Carrot, this update adds the ability to purchase custom crosshairs which you can apply to your various red dot sights. These crosshairs can be purchased at A‘Blaze It! and then applied to sights on your primary or secondary weapon using the Optics Modification Tool, also sold at ‘Ablaze It! You can customize your crosshairs with a variety of parts and parameters such as thickness, dot radius, gap size, etc. Some examples of crosshairs you can create with the system are shown below.









You only have to buy the crosshair once and then you can apply it to as many sights as you would like. The crosshair is persisted with the sight once it is applied, but it can also be removed.
When you drop the gun, anyone picking up the gun will see the same crosshair that you were using. You may also add the crosshairs to sights that you want to sell.

First step of Roadcrew and Courier Job Rework​

Roadcrew and courier have been given a similar revamp to the medic/firefighters by @Dank and now offer ranks and experience gain.
The courier has been reworked to work with multiple different cars which unlock at different ranks:
  • Junior Courier (Only GMC Vandura by default)
  • Courier (Ford Transit Delivery)
  • Special Courier (Van Doorn Delivery Van)

Ranking up also provides you with higher salary, speed boost and more.

For the roadcrew the following ranks have been introduced, which each give more salary and other benefits.
  • Roadcrew Apprentice
  • Roadcrew Technician
  • Roadcrew Senior Technician
  • Road Management Officer
Starting from the "Roadcrew Technician" rank the roadcrew now get a tool which can temporarily fix tyres for up to 5 minutes.

Buddy Menu Rework​

Adding buddies just to give them keys to your car or storage was always very tedious. @Dank added a very straightforward and easy to use radial buddy menu that you can show by pressing E on a player while looking at them.


Since this is a very large update, please expect certain things to be broken or not fully functional. If you find any issues that are not listed in the known issues below, please post about it in this thread or contact me directly. We will try and get any issues fixed as soon as we can.

Thanks to:
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Amazing work. Love the new buildings. I'm actually in the architecture field so this is exciting to look at. More buildings to facilitate RP. :shamefullyembarrased:
Happy 10 years to PERPHeads! Not many GMOD communties can get to have this special occassion and it's incredible to see the server is still doing really well. Here's to the next 10 years!