Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

Mad to think that PERP is still here after all these years and continues to be one of the most popular Garry's Mod servers. Will be looking forward to seeing V6 come out.

Another thing to add with this anniversary post is a little shoutout to the whole staff team for continually making the server a more enjoyable experience for all!
epic update bros.... but....
the crosshairs are outlandishly expensive even if they are something discretionary. $300k minimum going up to a laughable $1.5m.... c'mon guys.... knock a 0 off the end and it will make it vastly more reasonable :D
epic update bros.... but....
the crosshairs are outlandishly expensive even if they are something discretionary. $300k minimum going up to a laughable $1.5m.... c'mon guys.... knock a 0 off the end and it will make it vastly more reasonable :D
probably gonna be changed there is no way anyone would pay 1.5 mil for a smiley face crosshair
When you buy a great crosshair you could make profit by selling the sights with that crosshair at a premium to other people. So it's an investment, really.
Well,if u can sell those crosshairs its good
When you buy a great crosshair you could make profit by selling the sights with that crosshair at a premium to other people. So it's an investment, really.
that what i was going to do -_-

Figured I may as well update the Discord server banner to reflect our 10 year anniversary :D
It's insane how far the community has come! I can't thank enough for all the laughs and friends I've had thanks to the community.

I still remember that day, 9 years ago when I saw on YouTube a guy driving around in a firetruck in Evocity and I thought how cool it looked (not only the firetruck) and that I wanted to play that too. Without knowing what game or server it was. I started researching and found out that the game was called Garry's Mod and the server PERPHeads. I joined and fell in love with the server. From that day I continiued to play on the server, with a few breaks here and there.

Thanks everyone who is contribruting to the server. All the developers, owners and the staff team. Also a big thanks to everyone who is playing on the server, making the server to the server it is today!

W updates as usual, can't wait for paralake v6!
Absolutely nutty that the server is now 10 years old. While I might not been here for long as some, But I've loved every minute. Happy 10 years perp!