Police Suggestion WANTED LEVEL

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Suggestion Title: WANTED LEVEL
Suggestion Description: The idea is to have a sort of ranking system for Supervisors to give a criminal an assigned level of how wanted they are. That way when one looks at the wanted tab and looks for arrest warrants they see the MOST WANTED person at the top of the food chain.

When writing the warrant a list of all the laws should pop up and the supervisor searches then checks a box on what crime that individual did. The system will automatically value whether their crime is major or minor as a calculation into the warrant to measure whether the person is worthy of a higher or lesser wanted rank than other fugitives.

Why should this be added?:
- More organized police work
- More efficient for searching purposes when using MDT
- Less time spent in MDT, more time spent acting on your target
- Creates a better way for a unified police force that goes for the throat of whoever is the most wanted.
- The Most Wanted criminal gets more action due to this targetting.

What negatives could this have?:
- Can't think of one.
Acutal really good Idea IMO Because RN u could break the glass at a stop by mistake and about a million cops come and swarm you and send you too the gulag
Suggestion Title: WANTED LEVEL
Suggestion Description: The idea is to have a sort of ranking system for Supervisors to give a criminal an assigned level of how wanted they are. That way when one looks at the wanted tab and looks for arrest warrants they see the MOST WANTED person at the top of the food chain.

When writing the warrant a list of all the laws should pop up and the supervisor searches then checks a box on what crime that individual did. The system will automatically value whether their crime is major or minor as a calculation into the warrant to measure whether the person is worthy of a higher or lesser wanted rank than other fugitives.

Why should this be added?:
- More organized police work
- More efficient for searching purposes when using MDT
- Less time spent in MDT, more time spent acting on your target
- Creates a better way for a unified police force that goes for the throat of whoever is the most wanted.
- The Most Wanted criminal gets more action due to this targetting.

What negatives could this have?:
- Can't think of one.
yea fairs would also help with the amount of officers there instead of the entire pd pullin up to capture one guy
This is not GTA. The warrant's weight, value or whatever you wanna call it really only depends on the discription.

So for monkey brain, law:
9.1 like 3 star
9.5 like 5 star
9.3 like 2 star
12.12 like 1 star

People are generally not warranted for a long time when online and more often than not you're lucky if you find them. You generally don't prioritize some over the others.

Also speaking realistically. Warrants don't have a star system.

This is not GTA. The warrant's weight, value or whatever you wanna call it really only depends on the discription.

So for monkey brain, law:
9.1 like 3 star
9.5 like 5 star
9.3 like 2 star
12.12 like 1 star

People are generally not warranted for a long time when online and more often than not you're lucky if you find them. You generally don't prioritize some over the others.

Also speaking realistically. Warrants don't have a star system.

in short

your argument is:

- not realistic
- this is not gta
- you feel like officers for the majority wouldn't care about prioritizing more dangerous criminals that are warranted for more heinous crimes and are still at large?

I disagree with you entirely.

The realism argument is not honest. The gamemode has countless unrealistic aspects to it for the sake of fun. Therefore it's ok to be "unrealistic," if people find it fun which clearly already a few people believe it will be fun regardless of it being realistic or not. Which is crucial because at the end of the day we play the game for the sake of fun.

The "GTA Argument," just doesn't make sense? Discarding a productive and well received idea only because you can find a similarity between another game and it is not in the best interest of the improvement of the enjoyability of the game. I don't think people care about the fact GTA has a star system, assuming devs decide to implement this idea in the form of a star system, because the similarity is harmless.

The "Useless Argument," which aims to make my suggestion seem pointless due to the proclamation that most would not utilize this feature is actually by-far the weakest. If you ever played at TFU you would know how many times especially during peak hours you get Supervisors or TFOs coordinating a Police raid on the most wanted suspect(s) residence due to the fact they are the most menacing individual that is still at large. After the fact they go down the list from most to least dangerous and this happens quite often from my time personally as TFO or over my time as cop when officers felt the need to call for patrol as backup so their cordon is secured. Furthermore, it's not just TFU who use this, it is also the supervisors. Moreover just look at the reception above your claim. The eager and positive responses speak for themselves on whether officers would like or not like this feature.
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