Action Request (^Eth^)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: alden
Your Roleplay Name: Alden Brooks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143427005

Player's Steam Name: ^Eth^
Player's Roleplay Name: Ethan Demuri
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197593512

Why should this player be punished?: This morning, 20th of August, at 11:10AM Central European Summer Time, I and fellow officers responded to a hostage situation at docks which involved a paramedic who was being taken hostage. Upon arrival I ask lower ranking officers to set up a perimeter, which I see as I arrive near the Projext Apartment complex, after parking up at the Docks parking, I proceed to head down stairs, as other officers are seen scouting the area, I approach and as soon as I turn the corner, to the point where I can be seen by the hostage takers, I start yelling that I am the hostage negotiator, and that I am here to talk with them. During said actions I had my gun out, on safety, wasn't pointing it, as per PLPD Standard Operating Procedure. Ethan, who was one of the hostage takers, proceeded to shoot me, even though I had my gun drawn down on safety, and was yelling that I am there to negotiate. Meaning he committed a violent crime knowing that there's other officers in direct eyeshot of the scene.

Evidence Link:
it was not a hostage situation i was infact robbing the 2 guys on the dock and the cop was camping for 10 mins so we gun pointed him for a second while we were there and the 2 medics while i was robbing them a medic pressed his panic button without me noticing and then i see 2 cops 1 of which is walking towards me with his gun out which takes 0.2 seconds to pull off of saftey so i have no idea what hes thinking considering it isnt a hostage situation
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it was not a hostage situation i was infact robbing the 2 guys on the dock and the cop was camping for 10 mins so we gun pointed him for a second while we were there and the 2 medics while i was robbing them a medic pressed his panic button without me noticing and then i see 2 cops 1 of which is walking towards me with his gun out which takes 0.2 seconds to pull off of saftey so i have no idea what hes thinking considering it isnt a hostage situation

Are you able to provide footage from your POV?
i may have a clip and i do infact have a demo so yes if you request it

I have demo requested you, accept it whenever you're in-game. If you have any clips feel free to provide them there.

Although the situation presented here in normal situations, if the hostage takers believe that they have a good opportunity to escape they can immediately shoot, It is your responsibility to be cautious.

The demo provided has shown us a completely different situation, where @Eth and @Kyle Frost initiated a mugging all while there was a cop there. They gunpointed the cop first then mugged the two players fishing by docks. This was a clear breach of 3.4, which both users will be receiving a ban for.

Footage of the situation.

@Eth will be receiving a 1-week ban.
@Kyle Frost will be receiving a 1-day ban.

Players are not allowed to commit crimes whilst knowing cops are in direct eyeshots.

Additionally, @the_fat_man_ian will be receiving a 1-day ban and 5-day blacklist from medic for 3.4 and 4.1 as they lied whilst being a government employee providing false information to the officers, also whilst being gunpointed he decided to press his panic button.

4.1 Follow the Law​

Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law.

6.1 Provision of False Information​

Any person who when asked for information or when offering information to emergency services presents information which is not truthful and complete commits an offence

Misdemeanor - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment and $2,000 maximum fine.

Lastly, @qvsor_ will be receiving a 3-day ban for 3.4, and 3.11 as they prop surfed to docks and stabbed the person who held multiple people at gunpoint which resulted in his immediate death.

3.11 Leveraging Pushing​

Props may not be used to move players, other props, and/or vehicles, Props may also not be used to hold other props unrealistically, for example stopping a car from rolling down a hill by freezing a prop in front of it.

Reviewed with @Oddy and @SamSN
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