Action Request (Steam Name: Mac)

Reaction score
your mom
Your Steam Name: DanielRabbit
Your Roleplay Name: Ava James
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Player's Steam Name: Steam Name: Mac
Player's Roleplay Name: Mac O'Brian
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13531288

Why should this player be punished?: This user was not putting his hands up when i was verbally telling him to instead he just drops his things that he owns which is unuseful as i can take it from his inventory

Evidence Link:
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@Mac O-Brian Could you please explain your actions visible on the provided evidence?

@DanielRabbit What was your intent behind gunpointing him into the apartment? Could you also describe the situation with more details or provide a longer clip?
My intention to mug was because ive been mugged in the same situation as him and I if they did it i think i was able to do it
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Please put your messages in one coherent message, or edit your prior ones to include the information as opposed to sending multiple messages in one thread, which can become clogged.
To defend my case, I haven't played in a long time lol. And I forget how to surrender, cuz i mainly play casino and drive cars haha.
Tbh i don't see the big deal in this as I dropped everything.
Just drove off afterwards and that was it.

Im just getting back to perp, so bare with me.

And btw, once I found out how to put em' up I did it,
Dont see the big deal in this.


Given that @DanielRabbit intention was to mug @Mac O-Brian, and he complied by dropping items and merely did not put his hands up, I belive that there is no need for formal punishment to be taken against him. @Mac O-Brian in further situations like that however, please comply with orders of the person gunpointing you, instead of dropping your items under the assumption that they want to mug you.

Additionally, by forcing Mac into the apartment from the staircase to mug him, @DanielRabbit broke rule 5.1 Mugging

5.1 Mugging​

Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public. Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging.
therefore @DanielRabbit will be recieving a 1-week ban.

@Mac O-Brian you can create refund request for your glock 20, as for other items that were stolen from you, contact me in-game to retrieve them.

reviewed with @Haris