Server Suggestion Emergency Alert

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Suggestion Title: Emergency Alert
Suggestion Description: Let the mayor send emergency alerts to all citizens with a 10 minute cooldown

Why should this be added?:
- can send important information to all citizens

What negatives could this have?:
- can be abused
What if giving this to the police/fire/ems command can do this as well/instead?

Emergency services and government in norway can give out emergency alerts as well so would make sence
like this?
Would be great but i would rather have a higher ranked member of the police department doing it instead.
Maybe the chiefs as a mayor shouldn't have the power to do this.

We already have broadcasts to alert all citizens, i dont know why this is needed. It would be annoying if you get a emergency alert for every road closed due to an accident or something.

The only thing i can imagine where this can be used for is like bank raids to warn people not to go to the city. But i think broadcasts does this job aswell.

If this is going to be implemented there needs to be very strict rules when to use it and when not. And like whats said above by higher ranks, and not a mayor which could abuse it to be annoying.
We already have broadcasts to alert all citizens, i dont know why this is needed. It would be annoying if you get a emergency alert for every road closed due to an accident or something.

The only thing i can imagine where this can be used for is like bank raids to warn people not to go to the city. But i think broadcasts does this job aswell.

If this is going to be implemented there needs to be very strict rules when to use it and when not. And like whats said above by higher ranks, and not a mayor which could abuse it to be annoying.
Yeah broadcasts does the job pretty well, but don't you think it would be pretty immersive getting a notification over your phone?
Personally i think so, but it wont be that used if only higher ranked officers can use it as anyone in rtu and over corporal i think can use police broadcast.
Make it a compulsory arrestable offense for any sort of misuse.

It would be misconduct in a public office, wouldn't it? Spreading emergency alerts and panics for no reason is definitely misconduct.

My question is what kind of alert is it? Cause god knows I never look at my messages on my phone. Is it a chat message? A pop up notification? Something else? Depending on how elaborate it is, it should be available to different people.

If it's a big text on the top of your screen that says "EMERGENCY ALERT" then maybe just the Mayor and Command Members/Sergeants. If it's just simply another chat message, then I don't see the issue with others having it too.
It would be misconduct in a public office, wouldn't it? Spreading emergency alerts and panics for no reason is definitely misconduct.
I don’t know how abundantly known it is that misconduct in a public office has no actual lawfully authorised punishment and is a compound charge when a government employee commits an offence. Could pin this to 10.1 Though.
I don't really see what sort of situations would warrant something like this. High ranking government officials already have Police/Fire Broadcasts for emergencies affecting a large portion of the map.
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