Server Suggestion Jailbreak addition

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Suggestion Title: Jailbreak addition
Suggestion Description: After viewing a suggestion to log PD raids, which isn’t a bad idea in my books, I devised an entirely different approach to this, with some compromise.

Rather than warranting escaped prisoners, seeing as their arrest is already logged, It would make heaps more sense to warrant the individual who threatened the NPC for 6.3 and 11.11.

The idea in execution:
- Upon threatening the NPC to open the cells, the PD raiding party will have 5 minutes to leave the building.
- After 5 minutes has passed, or the individual who threatened the NPC Has fled the immediate area, the individual who threatened the NPC will become warranted, and an automated dispatch alarm will notify police that a panic alarm has been triggered in the Jail Cells.

Rather than warrant the individuals who escaped custody, police would need to deduct logically who was broken out. Rather than warranting the escaped suspect, the NPC would automatically warrant the individual who had threatened the NPC. Perhaps anyone else in the Jailer room could also be warranted? Preferably however just the one who actually threatened the NPC.

Why should this be added?:
- Paralake Bank having better Identification skills than a prison lol.
- Logically makes sense as you threaten a jailer with a weapon.
- Jailbreakers getting the repercussions over a jailbroken individual as the crime in escaping prison when it’s under siege by armed men could technically be considered 2.2 necessity in preservation of life thus meaning the warrant for the jailbroken person isn’t counter intuitive.

What negatives could this have?:
- If my preferred method is chosen, Then it means only one warrant over several PD raiders is actually set.
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I think bank giving out warrants is good, fingerprints on the drill and whatever the fuck, but I think raiding PD leading to a warrant is a dumb idea that isn't needed, respectfully
What negatives could this have?: point of JB because the warrnt will come back

2. more shootout

3. if i was warrnt for murder i got 10k ticket and 10 years but someone jb me that mean i will go back to jail with 10k and 10 years

4. there will be no way to remove warrn it will just be 2 ways go to jail and stay in it or die

I think bank giving out warrants is good, fingerprints on the drill and whatever the fuck, but I think raiding PD leading to a warrant is a dumb idea that isn't needed, respectfully
full agree with @rxmeo the bank raid should not just set warrnt when drill go off and i think its dumb idea for pd raid
I personally think this is a good suggestion, makes on duty officers do some more investigating too find out who’s been broken out, gives the person threatening the npc and everyone else enough time too get away providing no alarm has gone off and as long as they stay hidden for a while it could potentially mean a shootout after a while or they get arrested point of JB because the warrnt will come back

2. more shootout

3. if i was warrnt for murder i got 10k ticket and 10 years but someone jb me that mean i will go back to jail with 10k and 10 years

4. there will be no way to remove warrn it will just be 2 ways go to jail and stay in it or die
Tell me you didn’t read the suggestion without directly telling me you didn’t read the suggestion lol.

1: You wouldn’t be warranted for being jail broken, only warranted if you are the one who threatens the NPC.
2: Don’t pretend you don’t want that.
3: This is literally your first point reworded, Refer to the answer to number 1.
4: I don’t understand how this would be any more apparent of an issue, but I assume it’s because you misread the idea so refer to point 1 again.
You wouldn’t be warranted for being jail broken, only warranted if you are the one who threatens the NPC.
what i mean by "warrnt will come back" the grop who free first guy they will come back to free 2 guy
i never said i dont want that i love the server because of the way of shootout but ( from what i understand from lot of cop mains they dont want shootout as we discuss raiding rule and no one can reflank / staying in same place of shootout etc......)

at the end it will be loop of shootout if you want to end it u have to kill them all or jail them all or arrest guy and dont let anyone her you
3: This is literally your first point reworded, Refer to the answer to number 1
yes its miss undearstand
4: I don’t understand how this would be any more apparent of an issue, but I assume it’s because you misread the idea so refer to point 1 again.
miss undearstand
I'm not sure adding an automatic warrant during jailbreaks is a good idea (for any of the participants)

I think we need a cut-off point in the cops vs. robbers dynamic/loop, an escape hatch of some sort. Right now, the only one such thing I can think of is breaking someone out of jail. It's risky, and it's hardly clean (usually involves killing someone, leaving DNA). So I don't think we really need to add any other side-effects to the whole situation

The delayed panic thing however is a good idea, as I've recently seen Officers "getting their comms removed" and thrown into a cell. This could help avoid prolonging this pretty unpleasant situation